• 联邦共和国必须疏远美国的关系。

    The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States.


  • 丹谈恋爱是在开玩笑吧!

    She's going out with Dan? You're joking!


  • 仍然希望艾莉森朋友

    I still wanted to be friends with Alison.


  • 今天加里·卡特打了9高尔夫球。

    I played nine holes with Gary Carter today.


  • 詹姆斯几个劫匪搏斗时嘴上挨了打

    James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.


  • 越南恢复友好关系迹象日益明显了。

    There have been growing signs of a rapprochement with Vietnam.


  • 骑车人另一名骑车人车轮相碰而摔倒。

    A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.


  • 玛丽死后安妮没有哥哥一样亲之痛。

    When Mary died Anne did not share her brother's sense of bereavement.


  • 回想起多次这些问题类似话题进行的讨论。

    I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.


  • 珍视克里斯之间已经长达10的柏拉图式友谊

    She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.


  • 女儿经纪人商量之后决定她的要求接受那个角色

    After consulting with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part, on her terms.


  • 一个镇子里成千上万的警察展开搏斗据报道有几人受伤

    In one town thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.


  • 这本书将现代文明自然界和谐相处高尚野蛮理想进行了对比

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.


  • 布雷迪住处的搜查没有查出可以显示这些抢劫案有关联的任何线索。

    A search of Brady's house revealed nothing that could connect him with the robberies.


  • 堪萨斯皇家这样市场规模较小俱乐部一直难以财力更雄厚的球队争夺冠军。

    Small-market clubs such as the Kansas City Royals have had trouble contending with richer teams for championships.


  • 客人寒喧

    She exchanged a few words of greeting with the guests.


  • 缺点她的成绩相比毕竟第二位的。

    Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are, after all, only secondary.


  • 我们应该执行计划因事制宜原则相结合政策

    We should carry out the policy of integrating unified planning with the principle of adaptation to local conditions.


  • 双脚分开宽,双臂抱婴儿保持背部挺直,重复弯曲

    Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back and repeat deep knee bends.


  • 狱室的人一个公共饭厅吃饭。

    The inmates ate in a communal dining room.


  • 他们试图强迫他们抗议

    They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest.


  • 传染病患者其他病人隔离开来。

    Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.


  • 父母谈过问题吗?

    Have you talked to your parents about the problems you're having?


  • 杰里露出口风朱莉已论嫁了。

    Jerry dropped hints that he and Julie were talking about getting married.


  • 必须这些事件它们历史环境联系起来看

    You must place these events in their historical context.


  • 大步走进厨房迎面过来爸爸擦肩而过。

    As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.


  • 游牧民生活方式集体化的生活方式刚好相反

    The nomads' lifestyle was the polar opposite of collectivization.


  • 曼哈顿许多地区一样当地街区逐渐贵族化

    The local neighbourhood, like so many areas of Manhattan, is gradually being gentrified.


  • 已有几百人和警方搜寻失踪十几岁孩子

    Hundreds have joined a police hunt for the missing teenager.


  • 已经埃德谈过了,答应这种事情再次发生。

    I've spoken to Ed about it and he's promised not to let it happen again.


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