• 如果目标标准学习方法每个人同一时间同样的方式学习同样的东西那么通过实践来学习其实已经符合这个模式

    If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • 同一个人清洁度标准非常尤其是浴室,就目前而言,它们清洁度极好的

    The same person said that the standard of cleanliness was pretty good, and especially the bathrooms, they were excellent as far as that went.


  • 标准SOAP引擎通常只是同一线程中接受请求做出响应

    Standard SOAP engines typically receive a request and respond to it all on the same thread.


  • 标准程序而言,很多程序库函数固定对象返回总是重复使用同一对象,就使得那些函数不可重入。

    As with the standard library, there can be many library functions that return values in fixed objects, always reusing the same objects, which causes the functions to be non-reentrant.


  • 另有28%的受访者认为用人单位招聘男女员工时标准明显不同争取同一职位女性需要男性在面试中付出更多的努力。

    Some 28 percent say employers set different criteria in recruitment and women have to perform much better than their male peers in interviews to get the same job.


  • 除了一些例外,提取过滤器模板文件看起来同一标准提取过滤器文件很相似

    The extraction filter template file looks similar to a standard extraction filter file with a few exceptions.


  • 实际上销售所有轮胎必须达到同一联邦安全标准,所有的轮胎都胜任正常使用

    In fact, all tires sold in the U.S. have to meet the same federal safety standards, and all will stand up to typical use.


  • 如果RRD资源内存密集型处理器密集型的,那么调用资源不会像在同一J VM运行标准RequestDispatcher那样受到较大影响

    If the RRD resource is memory - or processor-intensive, the calling resource is not affected as much as a standard RequestDispatcher running within the same JVM.


  • 同一时期九个最大经济体城市只有秘鲁首都利马墨西哥城蒙特雷经济增长速度高于他们国家标准

    Of the nine cities with the biggest economies, only Lima, Mexico City and Monterrey saw economic growth in this period that was above their countries' norms.


  • 应该保持使用处理器相同的内存容量标准硬件供应商从而简化这个问题

    Simplify the problem by keeping within the same generation of processor and the same amount of RAM as well as standardizing your hardware vendor.


  • 所有退休年龄都将58岁(平均上升65岁,使希腊其他欧盟国家同一标准线上

    The retirement age will rise from 58 (on average) to 65 for both men and women, bringing Greece into line with other EU countries.


  • 由于从事工作种类不同甚至同一公司不同部门由于任务不同从而业绩标准也不同。

    Performance standards vary by the kind of business you are in, and may even vary by departments within the same company,because of the variety of tasks involved.


  • 由于从事工作种类不同甚至同一公司不同部门由于任务不同从而业绩标准也不同。

    Performance standards vary by the kind of business you are in, and may even vary by departments within the same company, because of the variety of tasks involved.


  • 一方面来说,美国英国两国对于各方面的认知标准处于相似的层面孩子最终自己父母同一雇主工作对于社会流动性

    In the US and the UK on the other hand, where all the signs are that to a similar degree, children end up working for the same employer as their parents, the effect on social mobility is much greater.


  • 用户打开一个新的窗口,尝试同一关键词进行第二次搜索,显示的为标准自然搜索结果

    When the user attempted to recreate the same results by opening a new tab the results returned were of the standard organic variety.


  • 他们不同研究对象同样标准介绍同一假设科学家,但该科学家不相信气候变化的。

    They told different subjects that the same hypothetical scientist, with the same accreditation, was skeptical of climate change.


  • 巴塞尔协议银行资本提供的资本充足率基准就是一个很好的实例,体现了各国监管机构如何参照全球同一标准工作

    The Basel Accords on capital adequacy, which set a common floor for Banks' capital, are an example of how national regulators can agree to near-global rules.


  • 清单4显示了来自同一标准部件名称子例程条规则

    Listing 4 shows two rules from the same subroutine of standardizing part names.


  • 算术天文几何本来就是中世纪学校部分标准课程这些课程引起了教皇尔贝特的热情本身就是同一的,也不是闻所未闻

    Arithmetic, astronomy and geometry were a standard part of the curriculum in medieval schools, making Gerbert's enthusiasm for these subjects unusual, but not unheard of.


  • 在非洲北部阿尔及利亚上空日偏食开始格林威治标准时间早晨6点40分,同一时间第一个观察一现象地方

    The partial eclipse began in the skies over Northern Algeria, the first location to witness the phenomenon at 6.40am GMT.


  • 命名约定进行标准使得横跨多个项目报告成为可能,特别是被包括同一发布中的项目更是如此

    Standardizing a naming convention for this will enable reporting across multiple projects, particularly those included in the same releases.


  • 机身的右侧则具备标准尺寸的SIM插槽它一起藏在弧形盖子内的则一个工程开发用的端口。 同一侧还具备另一个USB 2.0 端口。

    Meanwhile, on the other side there's a covered full-sized SIM card slot and a dev port, and another USB 2.0 port.


  • 机身的右侧则具备标准尺寸的SIM插槽它一起藏在弧形盖子内的则一个工程开发用的端口。 同一侧还具备另一个USB 2.0 端口。

    Meanwhile, on the other side there's a covered full-sized SIM card slot and a dev port, and another USB 2.0 port.


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