If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.
The same person said that the standard of cleanliness was pretty good, and especially the bathrooms, they were excellent as far as that went.
Standard SOAP engines typically receive a request and respond to it all on the same thread.
As with the standard library, there can be many library functions that return values in fixed objects, always reusing the same objects, which causes the functions to be non-reentrant.
Some 28 percent say employers set different criteria in recruitment and women have to perform much better than their male peers in interviews to get the same job.
The extraction filter template file looks similar to a standard extraction filter file with a few exceptions.
In fact, all tires sold in the U.S. have to meet the same federal safety standards, and all will stand up to typical use.
如果RRD资源是内存密集型的或处理器密集型的,那么调用资源不会像在同一J VM中运行的标准RequestDispatcher那样受到较大影响。
If the RRD resource is memory - or processor-intensive, the calling resource is not affected as much as a standard RequestDispatcher running within the same JVM.
Of the nine cities with the biggest economies, only Lima, Mexico City and Monterrey saw economic growth in this period that was above their countries' norms.
Simplify the problem by keeping within the same generation of processor and the same amount of RAM as well as standardizing your hardware vendor.
The retirement age will rise from 58 (on average) to 65 for both men and women, bringing Greece into line with other EU countries.
Performance standards vary by the kind of business you are in, and may even vary by departments within the same company,because of the variety of tasks involved.
Performance standards vary by the kind of business you are in, and may even vary by departments within the same company, because of the variety of tasks involved.
In the US and the UK on the other hand, where all the signs are that to a similar degree, children end up working for the same employer as their parents, the effect on social mobility is much greater.
When the user attempted to recreate the same results by opening a new tab the results returned were of the standard organic variety.
They told different subjects that the same hypothetical scientist, with the same accreditation, was skeptical of climate change.
The Basel Accords on capital adequacy, which set a common floor for Banks' capital, are an example of how national regulators can agree to near-global rules.
Listing 4 shows two rules from the same subroutine of standardizing part names.
Arithmetic, astronomy and geometry were a standard part of the curriculum in medieval schools, making Gerbert's enthusiasm for these subjects unusual, but not unheard of.
The partial eclipse began in the skies over Northern Algeria, the first location to witness the phenomenon at 6.40am GMT.
Standardizing a naming convention for this will enable reporting across multiple projects, particularly those included in the same releases.
机身的右侧则具备一个标准尺寸的SIM卡插槽,和它一起藏在弧形盖子内的则是另一个工程开发用的端口。 同一侧还具备另一个USB 2.0 端口。
Meanwhile, on the other side there's a covered full-sized SIM card slot and a dev port, and another USB 2.0 port.
机身的右侧则具备一个标准尺寸的SIM卡插槽,和它一起藏在弧形盖子内的则是另一个工程开发用的端口。 同一侧还具备另一个USB 2.0 端口。
Meanwhile, on the other side there's a covered full-sized SIM card slot and a dev port, and another USB 2.0 port.