他的遗孀科雷塔·斯科特·金(Coretta Scott King)在去世前的很多年里一直在说服非裔美国人去认同他已故的丈夫把同性恋权利当作公民权利议题所作出的努力。
His widow, Coretta Scott King, spent many years before her death urging African-Americans to honor her late husband by recognizing gay rights as a civil-rights issue.
After first saying on ABC News that it was "for others to conclude, " Mrs. Clinton released a statement acknowledging that the gay community did not like her answer.
The research studies the process of gender identity and lesbian identity of lesbian by interviewing with three lesbian cases on their life history and emotional history.
While a majority of those polled oppose legalizing gay marriage, six of ten said states that do not recognize gay marriages should allow civil unions.
While a majority of those polled oppose legalizing gay marriage, six of ten said states that do not recognize gay marriages should allow civil unions.