在许多时候,女方可以拒绝对方的求婚,但是国际移民组织地区主管Bruce说,这些妇女通常被控制起来,直到她们同意嫁人为止。 这样她们就没有真正的选择权,只能就范。
In many cases, the woman can decline a proposal, but Bruce says it's normal for these women to be held captive until they consent, giving them little real choice but to accept.
It is unknown whether the bridal couple were aware the proposal was going to happen in the middle of their reception, or whether they gave their blessing.
MM: I must be losing it. When he asked me to marry him I said yes.
Leonato agreed to this proposal, and the prince found no great difficulty in persuading the gentle Hero herself to listen to the suit of the noble Claudio.
There was a rascal 6 in the State of Wei whose wife had died. He had no money to remarry, so he called at Huang Gong's house to propose marriage.
I will speak to her, when I have received your consent. …Do you give it me?
A man who proposed to his girlfriend at a New Year's party allegedly knocked her out with a steering wheel lock just hours after she said yes, police said.
A man who proposed to his girlfriend at a New Year's party allegedly knocked her out with a steering wheel lock just hours after she said yes, police said.