According to the contract, ManTech personnel will provide IT support to the Navy's legacy Ship Maintenance and Logistics support Information Systems Program.
Workflow management is known as the "logistics" of information systems. It can arrange suitable people or software to perform right tasks at right time, and automate business processes.
Offered empirical evidence to support the postulation that LIS capabilities can significantly enhance overall competence in logistics.
为摄影记者专用的摄影工作间提供宽敞的工作 台、储物柜、数据传输连接、北京2008年奥运会信息系统、 有线电视、成绩公告柜,以及后勤保障服务。
An exclusive photo workroom with spacious workstations, lockers, transmission connection, INFO 2008, CATV, pigeonholes as well as logistics services will be available for photographers.
为摄影记者专用的摄影工作间提供宽敞的工作 台、储物柜、数据传输连接、北京2008年奥运会信息系统、 有线电视、成绩公告柜,以及后勤保障服务。
An exclusive photo workroom with spacious workstations, lockers, transmission connection, INFO 2008, CATV, pigeonholes as well as logistics services will be available for photographers.