• 后来得知,此事纯属凭空假造。

    This story, it later transpired, was untrue.


  • 后来向杀害妻子人报了

    He later avenged himself on his wife's killers.


  • 他们后来参加大学成立典礼。

    They later attended the inauguration of the University.


  • 报告中后来提到这个话题

    He returns to this topic later in the report.


  • 后来自己言论作了公开道歉

    He later publicly apologized for his comments.


  • 几行文字后来稿子中的

    The lines were interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.


  • 后来在他的遗嘱加了一

    Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will.


  • 丈夫后来颅骨碎裂接受治疗

    Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull.


  • 后来向杀害妻子人报了

    He was later revenged on his wife's killers.


  • 后来医院检查后就出院了。

    He was later discharged after an examination at the hospital.


  • 后来注意到屋里丢了东西

    He didn't notice there was anything missing from his room until later on.


  • 裁员传言后来得到了证实

    Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.


  • 印度经历影响了后来的著作

    His experiences in India influenced his later writings.


  • 后来查明这些日记伪造的。

    It was later discovered that the diaries were a fraud.


  • 迈克后来成为烽火体育栏目编辑

    Mike later became the sports editor for The Beacon.


  • 其他小组后来也加入了他们抗议的行列。

    Their protests were later taken up by other groups.


  • 后来上诉法院撤销了对有罪判决。

    His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.


  • 后来背叛所受的严格的宗教教育

    He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.


  • 后来,过了几年不知怎么到了罗马

    And then, a few years later, he somehow fetched up in Rome.


  • 后来指控挪用公款

    He was later charged with embezzlement.


  • 后来怎样了?”鼓励对方继续说下去

    'And then what happened?' he prompted.


  • 后来女儿父亲那样讲话训斥了她。

    Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that.


  • 后来写的详尽地阐明了这个主题

    She develops the theme more fully in her later books.


  • 警方追赶逃窜恐怖分子后来逮捕了两个人

    Police chased the fleeing terrorists and later made two arrests.


  • 当时似乎是个主意后来铸成大错。

    It seemed like a good idea at the time , and then it all went horribly wrong.


  • 后来被控贪污。

    He was later indicted on corruption charges.


  • 起先以为腼腆后来才发现他对别人兴趣。

    At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.


  • 我们本来打算意大利后来获得机会希腊

    Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.


  • 后来因为不得不逃离愤怒抗议者而蒙受羞辱。

    Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.


  • 起初想不以前哪里见过后来猛然起来了。

    I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before, and then it suddenly hit me.


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