• 台阶向下通往那个低洼的花园

    Steps lead down to the sunken garden.


  • 贝内迪克特拐杖向下指了指

    Benedict pointed downward again with his stick.


  • 向下看着躺的身影。

    He looked down at the recumbent figure.


  • 我们穿过林中空地时,向下了一眼海滩

    I glanced down at the beach as we passed an opening in the trees.


  • 我们去。

    We had drifted downstream.


  • 单击内联映射相关联黄色向下箭头

    Click on the yellow down arrow associated with the inline map.


  • 下,透过树枝向上直视爬上一棵树向下

    Lie down and look straight up through the branches; climb a tree to look down the path.


  • 掌心向下一个不显眼手势产生即时满意效果

    Place your palm downward and make an inconspicuous waving gesture, which will produce instant and satisfying results.


  • 手掌向下一个不显眼手势产生立竿见影效果

    Place you palm downward and make an inconspicuous waving gesture, which will produce instant and satisfying results.


  • 一些沙漠多年生植物向下延伸以上并不少见

    It is not unusual for the roots of some desert perennials to extend downward more than ten meters.


  • 兵尽可能地大声喊着然后抽屉里向下摔到了地板上

    The pewter soldier shouted as loud as he could, and threw himself off the drawers right down on the floor.


  • 人们根据建筑物如何处理重力产生向下分析它们

    Structures can be analyzed in terms of how they deal with downward forces created by gravity.


  • 石英硅酸盐向下漂移,在到达地核时与密度更大物质混合

    Silicates such as mineral quartz drifted downward and mixed with denser materials as they reached Earth's core.


  • 花枝茂盛树冠间一点点蔚蓝天空美丽的眼睛向下俯视着

    Between the blossoming branches of the canopy bits of blue sky looked down like wonderful eyes.


  • 可以躺下来透过树枝直直地向上可以从小路向下看。

    Lie down and look straight up through the branches, and climb a tree to look down the path.


  • 他们善于向上爬而不是向下爬,所以可能会梯子顶端感到惊慌

    They're also better at climbing up than getting down, so they may panic at the top of a ladder.


  • 欣赏大山宏伟壮丽,通常向上要欣赏黄山美景向下看。

    To enjoy the magnificence of a mountain, you have to look upwards in most cases. To enjoy Huangshan, however, you've got to look downward.


  • 陷入了沉思向下看时,胸前玫瑰花扎了一下她的下巴

    She fell to reflecting again, and in looking downwards, a thorn of the rose remaining in her breast accidentally pricked her chin.


  • 欣赏壮丽大多数情况下向上欣赏黄山的迷人景色必须向下看。

    To appreciate the magnificence of the mountain, you have to look upward in most cases while to enjoy the fascinating landscape of Huangshan, you've got to look downward.


  • 双曲曲面,即通常所称的曲率因为表面同时向上向下弯曲,就像一个马鞍

    The hyperbolic surface, which has so-called negative curvature because its surface curves up and down at the same time, like a saddle.


  • 例如过去冰河时代冰川向下穿过北美欧洲逐渐切断部分人口之间联系。

    For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one another.


  • 冲向楼顶购物者扫射

    He ran to the top of the building, spraying bullets into shoppers below.


  • 黑格不想属们寻求指导

    Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.


  • 油井向下延伸了数百英尺

    The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth.


  • 飞机向下冲时竭力控制住操纵装置

    He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged.


  • 5个壮汉拉上斜坡向下放置到位。

    It took five strong men to heave it up a ramp and lower it into place.


  • 向下滚动寻找

    I scrolled down to find "United States of America."


  • 这些枯燥乏味的学术用语让眼皮向下耷拉。

    My eyelids were drooping over the dry, academic phrases.


  • 机翼向下倾斜

    The plane dipped its wings.


  • 注意到一些小动作脑袋向下沉、肩膀的一抽动

    I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.


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