It is downward sloping because of the effect of the experience gained though production on costs.
As for Onions, I noticed on my last trip to India around Christmas that the demand curve was, indeed, downward sloping.
The outer casing superior surface, forms the configuration of the suction inlet, are inclined to the downwards.
By definition, the demand curve facing the monopolist is the industry demand curve which is downward sloping.
The seal between the disposable cup and lid is enhanced by the outer lid comprising means to deflect the disposable lid downward.
'背斜'。''的沿不同方向向下倾斜的,如在''。'背斜'。 ''地势中。
Sloping downward in opposite directions, as in an anticline.
Composed of four rectangular sections arranged in a square around a central courtyard, each of the four parts of the building has a distinctive downwards slope.
The snap ring is a ring with opening part, the inside of the ring is arranged with a circle of step which is used to buckle the wheel core, and the surface of the step has downward inclined arc shape.
One side was dense honeysuckle, and the other was open and slanted down to a telescoped view of the city. The white cloud was directly in front of them.
All the emPower wearer needs to do is tilt his head downward or manually touch the frame and the reading prescription is activated - and vice versa.
The Double Bubble sports a wide, downward-sloping nose which airflow pushes up, so its tail wings can be much smaller.
The entire design of this compact house conforms to the location and it was built into the slight decline.
The pictures are slightly inclined toward the floor, so you can see the eyes of the leaders following your every move.
On the afternoon of the second day, coming to the top of the hill, I saw all the country fall away before me down to the sea.
The glazed roof slopes down to the neighbouring property to reduce the impact of overshadowing without compromising the feeling of space and volume internally.
The carbon fibre ropes are pulled taut over a metal frame on the building's green roof and then angled down over the facades to meet the ground.
The thesis constructs an employment decision model based on a downward-sloping labor supply curve, and parses a type employment called by the author as "expenditure-constraint-causing unemployment".
模块接收部分位于接口盒中,并且向下倾斜,以允许以能够连接到齐平式安装装置的角度和位置连接线 缆。
The modular receiving portion is located in the outlet box and angled downward to allow the connection of the cable at such an angle and position that it can connect to a flush mounted device.
On the basis of forefathers' research, we derive and publish hydraulic gradient of settling slurry in downward-inclined-pipeline.
The site, a meadow dotted with magnificent oaks, gently slopes down to a spring fed pond creating an unusually lush landscape.
Then the — so the term structure was downward-sloping until about two and a half years and then it was upward sloping.
The calmer Lone bay is formed as a pebble beach with lush vegetation that gently slopes into the sea.
The top plane of the skull is very slightly divergent from that of the muzzle, but with no tendency toward a down-faced appearance.
The top plane of the skull is very slightly divergent from that of the muzzle, but with no tendency toward a down-faced appearance.