The following expression specifies a conversion down the hierarchy to a type that is inferred from program context.
If a class that uses an abstraction has to downcast to a specific subclass in one section, you're not following the Open Closed Principle.
Using the particular methods of Person would require a downcast on the objects returned by next().
Which makes sense - how is the compiler supposed to know which object it should downcast in order to make the call fit one of those signatures?
After retrieving an event from the parser, the application typically needs to downcast it into one of the XMLEvent sub-types in order to access its type-specific information.
The idea of inheriting from a base class without being able to downcast to it or upcast to the base just seemed silly.
All other transitions from one state to another may have operations that, when called, cause a transition to the next state.
I tumbled all the way down and somehow managed to roll into a crouching position, sprang to my feet and kept running till I hit the bottom ramp.
自顶向下——从现有的接口XML描述(XML模式、DTD、WSDL)开始,派生 XML数据模型,并生成映射/转换代码。
Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
Every once while you see a swimmer take it up and then in, it is really hard to transfer that momentum from a steep angle entry to a horizontal speed.
Downward continuation of both the reflected P and converted s simultaneously is stable. The wave forms of both th...
The key is absorbing the downward motion and reversing the force into an upward motion as rapidly and smoothly as possible.
The key is absorbing the downward motion and reversing the force into an upward motion as rapidly and smoothly as possible.