This ewer had a spout, but does not seem to have ever had a handle, so its vase-like shape may point to a northern origin.
Suppose you decide to make a trek to the North Pole. You can't catch a plane there. So instead, you pull out your compass, watch the needle swing northward and plot a path, right?
The answer seems to be that, simply, late August is the period when polar bears in northern Alaska head north on to the sea ice, and that is what she was doing.
Yet it would be absurd to claim that all foreigners in Libya will go to Italy; most would prefer to return home. There is little evidence of their fleeing northward so far.
These experts are especially concerned that new patterns of air movement in the Arctic could disrupt the Northern Hemisphere's jet streams - which are apparently weakening and moving northward.
Since it is in Mars's southern hemisphere, the rover's panels need to be pointed northward to get the most sunshine.
Mountains on either side of the glacier cast long shadows to the northwest.
The beige dunes stretching to the north begin to take on a pink hue, and the shadows from the steep ridges to the southwest are spreading across the valley floor.
Just as nearby mountains cast shadows, the crevassed glacier casts small shadows onto the lake's icy surface.
More and more Confederate soldiers were running away. Some returned to their homes.
A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north.
FROM the market town of Khanaqin, on the Iranian border, all the way to Sinjar, near the border with Syria, a fortified line snakes across northern Iraq.
When the sun rose on July third, the Union troops were ready. They watched as the Confederate troops set up their cannon.
Kuo discovered that compasses do not point true north but to the magnetic North Pole. This was a decisive step to make them useful for navigation.
文艺复兴运动始于意大利,但新的学问向北方传播, 到了法国、德国和英国。
The Renaissance began in Italy, but eventually the new learning spread north, to France, Germany and England.
The eastern pavilion houses the sleeping and bathing zones while the living zones are orientated to the north.
Stand facing North. Use either the Fire wand, Air Dagger or thumb wand of the right hand, to trace the lineal figure of the Pentagram.
"No matter how fast it runs," said his friend, "you can never reach Chu by going northward."
But, in the longer term, a melting of snow and ice might allow more southerly spider species to march northwards.
Because the peak's north side had been removed by the landslide, the volcano sent its tremendous blast laterally, or horizontally, to the north.
A simple spell, performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the wand rotates to point north.