The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits.
有吝啬的父亲就有败家的儿子。 。
Then, churls, their thoughts, although their eyes were kind.
On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood, thrives.
Light came in through the panes of the door leading out onto the balcony — not much light; the kitchen was only bright when the door was open.
And in these earlier studies, people often used their money to punish the richest and most miserly players.
The tongue-tied and hard-fisted Mr Yanukovich did little to win this election.
But is that enough to convince tight-fisted CIOs to buy a third device for employees? I don't think so.
"He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear" (Charles Dickens).
You mean warm, distant sky sadness. Migratory birds fly back to the south, you still asleep I chest.
A second study looked for indications of disinhibition, boldness and meanness among 250 college students.
The film doesn't skimp on some of the other landmark events of this famous story either.
A teacher can't realize his strength until he hears ripples of applause coming from the grudging audience.
Another time, when I was a senior in high school, I was caddying for one of the stingiest members of the Kernwood Country Club.
Mean dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark or attack people who try to enter the property.
Soon after the disaster, the Internet in China was abuzz with lists of so-called Iron Roosters, or birds so stingy they would not share a feather.
Without his wife’s knowledge, he filed for divorce in her country, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe (from her point of view).
An applicant who blames a roommate or mean professor for a bad grade sounds like a grade-school kid blaming a sibling for a broken lamp.
"No one will deny the fact that the job market is tight for those without prior experience," notes Dr. Potter.
Stingier capital allowances, however, will raise the amount of profit subject to the tax, so the overall effect on companies will be neutral.
In the adjoining plot of land, say neighbours, he grew vegetables that he drove to market in an Ape, the three-wheeler beloved of parsimonious Italian peasants.
The Solution: While I agree that you shouldn’t be a miserly Scrooge and save every penny because it physically hurts you to spend it, going the other extreme is just as bad.
Unlike stingy private-sector publishers these days, they have indulged in such rarities as a proper index, footnotes, bibliography and colour plates.
Unlike stingy private-sector publishers these days, they have indulged in such rarities as a proper index, footnotes, bibliography and colour plates.