• 含糊很多如果进行选举会发生的状况。

    He is equivocating a lot about what is going to happen if and when there are elections.


  • 先是一个善于聆听读者比如聆听那些码头管理员剧中含糊不清的地方。

    She goes from being a reader who can listen, for example, to the ambiguities in the Wharfinger play.


  • 其他细节则明显的很含糊

    Other details were left distinctly vague.


  • “如果我们知道某人回避问题,我们不喜欢这样,但是常常我们不会注意它”,诺顿可以给出与问题含糊相关答案以便自信地把听众回到主题上。

    You can give an answer that is vaguely related to the question but that confidently returns your audience back to your main point.


  • 有人如果我们生存受到了威胁,酷刑就是正当但是辩辞除了伸缩性之外,还有别的瑕疵——依赖含糊其辞。

    Some argue that torture is justified if our survival is threatened, but even apart from the elasticity of this justification, it is flawed because it depends on an equivocation.


  • 赫曼·帕拉斯特补充伊朗不会放弃制造核能权利并且含糊威胁,将那些试图阻止他们这样的国家采取法律行动

    Mehmanparast added Iran would "not give up its rights," to produce nuclear power, and issued a vague threat to take legal action against those trying to prevent it from doing so.


  • 无论何时要回答这些问题,我都会毫不含糊如果处境下有可能的话3个最好的选择。

    Whenever I get asked these questions, I unequivocally say that 3 is the best number if that's even remotely possible in your situation.


  • 那以后偶尔寄给冗长含糊荒诞不经妈妈跟踪收音机里广播生活状况(显然没有)。

    Since then, he has occasionally sent me rambling, fantastical letters alleging that my mother is following him (she isn't) and that the radio is broadcasting his life (it's not).


  • 如果含糊发音演讲令人讨厌习惯之一的话,那么使用大量的“填充词”可谓最令人讨厌的习惯,没有之一。

    If sloppy enunciation is one of the most irritating speech habits, using excessive fillers while you speak is the most irritating speech habit.


  • 马西森否认媒体这个主题含糊不清的结论,并认为这GDP数据比较得来的结果。

    Matheson dismisses the media's verdict that this subject is' woolly, 'giving results that will be ill-defined compared to the hard data gathered by GDP.


  • ,盖特纳安排重大但交出来的只是含糊其辞的计划。

    Secretary Geithner scheduled a big speech and came out with just a vague blueprint.


  • 苏晨知道女招待烟雾是什么意思,只是含糊答道很好

    Suchen replied vaguely that all was well with her, though she had no idea what smoke the waitress was talking about.


  • XP社区一些可能毫不含糊,不测试永远别写代码

    There are some people in the XP community who would state unequivocally that you should never write any code without a test.


  • 认证经常遇到,但是定义计算一样含糊不清(顺便一句,“云计算”这个词汇不是专利不是商标)。

    Certified is one of those terms you run across that is as nebulous as the definition of cloud computing (which by the way is not a patented nor trademarked term).


  • 一旦符号读法可以辨识,沟通联络就更加灵活,”大卫·德森,“这样产生的一个结果就是,人们为了隐瞒事实而故意用得含糊不清。”

    "Once symbolic utterances are recognised, communication becomes more flexible," says Davidson. "One result is that ambiguity can be introduced for concealing truths."


  • 含糊敷衍着其实也没什么,因为Anna比我挣得... ‘可是大多数男人决不会承认一点的。’

    I muttered something about it being a straightforward decision because Anna was earning more… "But most men would never admit that, " she said.


  • 英国机构份声明中含糊其辞,对此不置可否,只是今后花费以“从根本上消除贫困为基础

    The British agency was noncommittal in a statement, saying that future spendingwill be made based on impact on poverty eradication on the ground.”


  • 当被问及老虎是不是自然死亡含糊回答:“很多疾病或者相互掐架的老虎。”

    Asked whether they all died natural deaths, she replied vaguely: 'Many of them die from illness or in fights with other tigers.'


  • 律师发言人:“惊讶有如此遗嘱内容错误含糊不清尤其是他们自己草拟的遗嘱。”

    A spokesman for the Law Society said: "It is surprising how many people make wills which are inaccurate or ambiguous, particularly if they are drawing up their own document."


  • 顺便一句研究人员撒谎包括我们互相之间盲目客套礼貌性含糊其词,谢谢”或“没关系,一点也不麻烦。”

    Incidentally, when researchers refer to lying, they don't include the mindless pleasantries or polite equivocations we offer each other in passing, such as "I'm fine, thanks" or "No trouble at all."


  • 没有回答我的问题。或是,你回答气人因为含糊其词——回答得明确些

    That is no answer; or rather it is a very irritating, because a very evasive one. Reply clearly.


  • 法律语言含糊不清是个古老传统,”,“原因法律语言最早见之于拉丁语后来法语最后才是英语。”

    Unclear legal language "is an ancient tradition," he said, "stemming from the fact that the language of law was first Latin, then French and finally English."


  • 但是因为很难照直向温塞特明,所以便含糊其辞地回答:“看看美国政界正派遭遇吧!”

    "But, since he could hardly put it in that way to Winsett, he answered evasively:" Look at the career of the honest man in American politics!


  • 写的都是父亲的肺腑之言,这些言语很难母亲启齿。所以我只是含糊句,然后耸耸肩。

    I found it hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad. I mumbled a few words and shrugged.


  • 丈夫中的威胁有什么了不起?不过一个发怒恶棍含糊指控罢了。

    You mean the threat in her husband's letter? What weight would that carry? It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.


  • 丈夫中的威胁有什么了不起?不过一个发怒恶棍含糊指控罢了。

    You mean the threat in her husband's letter? What weight would that carry? It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.


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