• 抽烟不喝酒吸毒

    He doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs.


  • 必要儿童进行吸毒危害教育

    Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.


  • 名运动员崇拜还不至于效仿吸毒程度

    His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.


  • 吸毒

    I don't do drugs.


  • 乐队警告要么好好干,要么走人,这使他终于正视自己吸毒问题

    He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out.


  • 利兹生活在吸毒成瘾父母带来阴影

    Liz grew up under the shadow of two drug-addicted parents.


  • 工作就是懒惰欲望贪婪吸毒其他罪恶

    Your job is to just say no to laziness, lust, greed, drug use and the other sins.


  • 他们酗酒、吸毒吸烟逃学的危险行为可以提醒家长老师严重问题正在发酵。

    Their risky behaviors—drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school—can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.


  • 例如社会学家已经发现了很多证据,证明社区规模不良行为有关包括赌博吸毒

    For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior including gambling, drugs, etc.


  • 也许没有什么可争斗因为这个国家正处于安宁的时期,吸毒其他不健康行为危害广为人知。

    Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known.


  • 虽然大多数家长教师临床医生青少年吸毒酗酒作出反应,但他们可能很容易忽视那些具有明显行为青少年

    While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors.


  • 那些吸毒上瘾的人,,通过某种方式获得政府帮助

    People that are addicted to drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another.


  • 吸毒成瘾者除了毒品什么都关心

    Dependent users can't relate to anything but drugs.


  • 娱乐性吸毒者通过吸毒获得快感。

    Recreational users take drugs to get high.


  • 的父母一个月前都死于吸毒,所以他不得不和他的叔叔住在一起。他非常想念父母。

    His parents both died of drugs a month ago, so he had to live with his uncle and missed his parents so much.


  • 而且我们每天还要注意学习困难家庭事件,攀比压力吸毒恃强凌弱

    Plus, we're watching for learning disabilities, issues at home, peer pressure, drug abuse, and bullying.


  • 事实上直接吸毒上瘾的人相比病态赌徒在戒赌时会经历更多身体反应

    In fact, pathological gamblers appear to experience more physical withdrawal effects when attempting to stop their behaviour when compared directly with drug addicts.


  • 然而自己严重吸毒习惯的言语,可能正常点的一句话了。

    His claims of quitting a serious drug habit on his own, however, is perhaps one of his least eccentric statements.


  • 12名士还要面对其他指控,包括亵渎尸体,非法藏有尸体照片,吸毒,人身伤害袍.

    The 12 men are also facing further charges of desecration of corpses, illegal possession of photos of corpses, drug abuse and acts of bodily injury against comrades.


  • 众多市民特别是年轻人他们修复社会组织致力于社区服务减少吸毒青少年怀孕

    Private citizens, especially young people, repaired the social fabric, dedicated themselves to community service and lowered drug addiction and teenage pregnancy.


  • 很大一部分离婚家庭中成长的孩子,会被抑郁症学习障碍、吸烟、吸毒酗酒问题困扰

    A significant percentage of kids from divorced homes struggle with depression, academic difficulties, drug and alcohol abuse, and other problems.


  • 全球艾滋病毒检测咨询覆盖率仍然,对静脉吸毒预防治疗干预措施覆盖率也很低。

    Global coverage of HIV testing and counselling remains unsatisfactorily low, as does coverage of prevention and treatment interventions for injecting drug users.


  • 牢不可破强迫性即时给予奖励大脑中的化学系统与在吸毒成瘾发挥作用的系统类似

    The sheer compulsion of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction.


  • 针灸一种有效能够替代药物治疗抑郁症吸毒酗酒吸烟暴饮暴食以及其他成瘾行为的疗法。

    Acupuncture is an effective alternative to drugs for the treatment of depression, drug and alcohol addiction, and other addictive behaviors such as smoking and overeating.


  • 体系则耗时- - -因为人数太多以至于只有聚众吸毒或是自愿戒毒时才带上法庭

    And the old system was time-consuming-so much so that addicts would sometimes be taken to court just as they had got their act together and gone into rehab themselves.


  • 东西为了满足自己吸毒,这是习惯是他上个服刑期间在监狱学会的。这会想起犯罪循环

    He was stealing things to feed a drug habit that he'd picked up during his last prison sentence - a cycle of crime which makes you think about things.


  • 东西为了满足自己吸毒,这是习惯是他上个服刑期间在监狱学会的。这会想起犯罪循环

    He was stealing things to feed a drug habit that he'd picked up during his last prison sentence - a cycle of crime which makes you think about things.


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