• 脱口秀节目主持人拉什•林博周六现场嘲讽过外貌

    She was mocked by both talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Saturday Night Live for her appearance.


  • 雅虎宣布已经购买了周六现场》节目所有38季节目的专有权

    Yahoo has announced it has bought exclusive rights to stream the entire 38-year-old archive of Saturday Night Live.


  • 根本不用周六现场》,因为董事会简直比娱乐节目还要热闹。

    I don't have to watch Saturday Night Live anymore; I just go to the board meetings.


  • 舞台搞笑效果,蔡斯摔倒过很多结果离开“周六现场不久就动了背部手术

    Chase had back surgery shortly after his time on "Saturday Night Live" as a result of all the comedic falls he took onstage.


  • 年前,两部主题类似连续剧同时首播是描述《周六现场》等幽默短剧的后台趣事

    Two years ago, a couple of similarily-themed shows debuted simultaneously, both dealing with the behind-the-stage antics at a Saturday Night Live-esque sketch show.


  • 个周末tinaFey这种时尚呆子,都穿着5公分出来周六现场进行独白

    This past weekend, even Tina Fey, the queen of nerd chic, strutted out in five-inch pumps to perform her opening monologue on "Saturday Night Live."


  • 周六现场桥段演员医务室里,医生告诉了一个非常悲伤消息还有分钟的时间。

    There's an old Saturday Night live routine where one of the actors is in the doctor's office, and the doctor gives him the very sad news that he's got two minutes left to live.


  • 蔡斯周六现场”里周末新闻最初播报人,经典介绍语“是切维。蔡斯…不是变得家喻户晓。

    Chase was the original anchor for the Weekend Update segment of "Saturday Night Live," and his catchphrase introduction - "I'm Chevy Chase... and you're not" - became well-known.


  • 帕瓦罗蒂继续参加“娱乐周六夜现场”节目;的慈善音乐会上埃尔顿·约翰辣妹一起表演节目。

    Pavarotti went on “The Tonight ShowandSaturdayNight Live”; in hischarity concerts he performed with Elton John and the Spice Girls.


  • 周六现场似乎感受到了这些批评戴维这个刺眼挑衅的客串角色,似乎既是表示知悉抗议者的存在,也是对他们一种回应

    "Saturday Night Live" seemed sensitive to the critique: Davids prominent, defiant cameo during the opening monologue seemed designed to both acknowledge and answer the protesters.


  • 现在除了播报新闻,他们偶尔主持辩论做客喜剧节目甚至综艺节目周六现场表演滑稽短剧,拿自己来开涮。

    They can also be seen off-set: hosting debates, showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows, and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday night Live.


  • 周六夜现场》、《恶搞之家》、《摩登家庭》,不管哪一档节目,秋季它们都会回归(当然也许你爱看的爱如血》)。

    SNL, Family Guy, Modern Family, whatever it is you watch, it's back on come fall. I mean, unless you're into True Blood.


  • NBC新闻周六现场》节目NBC烂中之最——一点都搞笑演员很差劲,完全在人身攻击真是烂透了的电视节目

    NBCNews is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!


  • 鲍德温,《周六现场主创执行制片人洛恩·迈克尔斯(Lorne Michaels)反驳说,这个小品节目向来对所有人一视同仁。

    Baldwin said that Lorne Michaels, the creator and executive producer of "Saturday Night Live," has countered that the sketch show has long been an equal-opportunity heckler.


  • 这本选举策略失误,变装形象依然成了替罪羊:朱利安尼后来再上“周六现场时说当年最大错误就是主持这个节目的时候穿裙子。”

    But it was still the drag outfit that was blamed: Giuilani later reappeared on Saturday Night Live saying "one of my key mistakes, years ago, was when I hosted this show, I wore a dress."


  • 那时总爱变装,还玩出了点名堂:穿上粉色礼服,头戴金色假发COS音乐剧《雌雄莫辨》;在综艺节目“周六现场”穿着做家务用的便服扮演意大利老太太

    Some highlights: a skit from “Victor/Victoria” where he wore a pink ball gown and blonde wig and a Saturday Night Live sketch as an Italian grandmother—in a housedress and stockings.


  • 那时总爱变装,还玩出了点名堂:穿上粉色礼服,头戴金色假发COS音乐剧《雌雄莫辨》;在综艺节目“周六现场”穿着做家务用的便服扮演意大利老太太

    Some highlights: a skit from “Victor/Victoria” where he wore a pink ball gown and blonde wig and a Saturday Night Live sketch as an Italian grandmother—in a housedress and stockings.


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