• 估计该城有50万人口面积33平方千米周围环绕条发散防御工事14世纪德里有相似之处。

    Comparable to Delhi in the 14th century, the city, with an estimated population of half a million, covered 33 sq km and was surrounded by several concentric lines of fortification.


  • 周围范围空气收集来声波贝壳里面产生共鸣,这样我们能听到更多环绕在我们四周杂音,不过起来杂乱不堪。

    The sound waves collected from a larger area resonate inside it and we hear a greater amount than usual of the ambient sound around us, though in a jumbled up form.


  • 这个状物开始合并成为一组原行星时,它们引力拉动着盘状物周围气体凝聚的硬块,一起环绕恒星轨道运行。

    When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.


  • 但是规模大约是我们太阳20而且环绕一个状尘埃,尘埃的材料成长中的星体周围碟状尘埃相似

    But it has a mass about 20 times that of our sun and is surrounded by a disk of material similar to what is found around smaller, growing stars.


  • 程序沉迷这样一个画面——你中心太阳向外拉直线,避开周围其他环绕太阳的星球,好直线画出来。

    The app let's you indulge in this image -- you pull strings out of a central sun and flick planets around to pluck the strings.


  • 周围丛林环绕他们“家”——路边临时营房

    They live in roadside camps carved out of surrounding forest.


  • 然而即使原来的端因现在的整修与旅游而有所改变环绕周围沿海自然形成了强烈对比

    However, even as a previously untouched island is changed by modern renovators and visitors, it is still a stark contrast to the coastal nature surrounding it.


  • 清晰风暴中心周围环绕纹理粗糙云层,风直径大约有25千米

    Rough-textured clouds surround the storm's distinct eye, which has a diameter of roughly 25 kilometers.


  • 格雷斯国教教堂南北战争之前建造位于一个远离人烟的地方,是岩石灰泥结构,教堂的周围环绕森林和农田。

    Built back before the civil war, Grace Episcopal Church is a stone and stucco structure out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and fields.


  • 环绕蓝色马头的眼睛部位蓝色光芒——周围其它恒星——一个尘埃组成的反射星云

    The blue glow that surrounds the blue Horsehead's eyeand other stars around the image — is a reflection nebula composed of fine dust.


  • 试衣间位于店铺中心位置,接待台、等待区、服装展示区环绕周围。 试衣间周围的墙上整面墙的镜面。

    The floor plan was created so that fitting rooms are located in the middle of the space and reception, waiting and dress display spaces are arranged around these.


  • 一计划中,反质子收集起来巨大燃料箱,该燃料箱实际上就是环绕飞船周围长达几百无重量云团

    The antiprotons in this scheme would be gathered into a vast fuel tank, a nearly weightless cloud hundreds of meters long surrounding the craft.


  • 如果真的如此根据理论预测银河系周围应该环绕成千上万的暗物质团簇每个都含有一个卫星星系

    If that's so, theory predicts that thousands of dark matter clumps should surround the Milky Way, each holding a small satellite galaxy.


  • 国际空间站夜间中可以看到,纽约明亮金黄色灯光以及周围环绕郊区

    The bright gold lights of New York City and its surrounding suburbs stand out in this nighttime photograph from the International Space Station.


  • 这座高达18英尺雕像以地球仪主体,周围环绕五彩音符伸出双手一些和平鸽,象征音乐才华和为世界和平奋斗的精神。

    The 18-foot sculpture depicts a globe topped with a keyboard, two outstretched hands and a group of doves in honour of his talent for music and his campaign for peace.


  • 电线周围橡胶绝缘层类似髓鞘环绕着发送信息的轴保护加快着电脉冲

    Like rubber insulation around electrical wires, myelin wraps around message-sending axons, protecting and speeding electrical impulses.


  • 银河系一样,螺旋星系一个中间鼓起扁圆环绕周围螺旋形手臂组成。

    Spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way, consist of a flat disk with a bulging center and surrounding spiral arms.


  • 星系特点,其球形内核周围环绕星系螺旋结构形成厚厚的尘埃带。 从地球上看去,星云倾斜得几乎侧立。

    The galaxy's hallmark is a brilliant white, bulbous core encircled by the thick dust lanes comprising the spiral structure of the galaxy.


  • nasa斯必泽太空望远镜的资料,资料显示这明亮恒星周围环绕一个尘埃其中的物质包含有机物岩石,跟碰撞后粉碎彗星物质极为相似。

    NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope showing a band of dust around the bright star that strongly matches the contents-such as water ice, organics, and rock-of a comet busted apart in a collision.


  • 扔掉自己,在这个山洞心烦意乱的走来走去,周围环绕财富完全关心了。

    He threw down the bags he had loaded himself with, and walked distractedly up and down the cave, without having the least regard to the riches that were around him.


  • 盐田内部地表凹凸不平,巨大的泪滴状隆起为周围平原环绕

    Inside the saltpan, the land surface is uneven. Areas shaped like sloppy teardrops rise above the surrounding plain.


  • 周围环绕下,她们惊讶的发现在周五展开一场怡情的约会成了奢望。

    But surrounded by so many other successful women, they often find it harder than expected to find a date on a Friday night.


  • 成串珊瑚礁成的热带蓝色泻湖环绕小岛,最高处座2385英尺(727)的嵯峨火山周围覆盖着热带植物

    A tropical blue lagoon ringed by coral reefs encircles the island, which is crowned by a rugged 2, 385-feet-high (727-meter-high) volcano core draped with tropical foliage.


  • 但是它规模大约是我们太阳20而且环绕一个状尘埃,尘埃的材料成长中的星体周围碟状尘埃相似

    Has a mass about 20 times that of our sun and is surrounded by a disk of material similar to what is found around smaller, growing stars.


  • 现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉一个中世纪小镇周围是 Southern Maritime 阿尔卑斯的青山环绕法国尼斯不远。

    Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps, not too far from Nice, France, in the Italian Riviera.


  • 普通尺寸、普通的温度周围都有较小的行星环绕

    It is of average size and temperature, and is surrounded by very much smaller bodies called 'planets.'


  • 环绕周围的小行星尘埃中地球常见橄榄石很类似一种矿物质

    In the surrounding asteroid dust, there was a mineral similar to olivine, which is common here on Earth.


  • 闭上双眼沉浸你的想象中时,你感知柔和带着光芒的暖流开始环绕并跳动在你身体周围

    As you close your eyes and tune in to your imagination, you sense a soft glowing warmth begin to surround and pulsate around your body.


  • 进入大象保护区通过阔大环绕保护区周围厚厚的电网围墙的一部分

    To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick, cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.


  • 进入大象保护区通过阔大环绕保护区周围厚厚的电网围墙的一部分

    To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick, cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.


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