这就是新的W酒店- - -这座城市第一家真正当代性质的酒店- - -的开张成为这所城市所呼吸的一口新鲜空气原因。
That is why the opening of the new w, the city's first truly contemporary hotel, is such a breath of fresh air.
Sometimes all of us just need that fresh breath of air that is not restrained by any to-do lists.
Opening paper shutters held back by carved wooden turtles, I look out into the semi-dark and smell the fresh air.
She found that working with children was a breath of fresh air compared with her lawyer lifestyle.
根据RichardRyan (Universityof Rochester)的研究,呼吸一口新鲜空气能使你的情绪和能量水平复原,等同于一个咖啡休息时间。
According to research conducted by Richard Ryan (University of Rochester), a breath of fresh air rejuvenates your mood and energy levels as much as a coffee break.
Mouhot wrote of cottages with fruit gardens and country houses for the aristocracy "who come here in the evening for the sake of breathing a purer air than they can find in the city."
The whole world like a freshly washed zao, especially relaxed, the air was fresh, breath, my sweetie, like drink the honey.
The second step: smelling The first breath of fresh air, and then probe into the nose cup smell its fragrance, gently shaking the glass, then smell, smell the difference before and after comparison.
The second step: smelling The first breath of fresh air, and then probe into the nose cup smell its fragrance, gently shaking the glass, then smell, smell the difference before and after comparison.