• 我们经济命运欧洲息息相关

    Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.


  • 一场左右命运大选即将举行

    A general election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.


  • 一生致力于改善南非被压迫人民命运

    He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.


  • 那么一刻似乎国家命运掌握自己手中

    He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands.


  • 由于命运捉弄选手中在锦标赛一轮相遇

    By a tantalizing quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship.


  • 那个决定命运夜晚发生的事情做了一个详细报道

    He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.


  • 用了我们好长段时间这里不是吗?这叫作命运难料啊!

    Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about fate moving in a mysterious way!


  • 仅一次反抗服从行为在以前就往往足以决定个女人命运

    A single act of rebellion or disobedience was often enough to seal a woman's fate.


  • 重要问题尤其是孩子们命运决定时,离婚获得批准

    The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided.


  • 托德过去站在那儿命运的安排。

    Toad let the horse pass, and stood waiting for what the fates were sending him.


  • 他们命运的逆转是否完全归功于战略创新

    Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation?


  • 好好想想皮诺乔背弃命运女神

    Think well, Pinocchio, you are turning your back on Dame Fortune.


  • 栗子害虫命运到达目的地之前未知的。

    The destiny of the pest in the chestnut is not known before reaching the destination.


  • 大量人口恢复深层的原因森林命运

    The most profound reason for the restoration of high population numbers has been the fate of the forests.


  • 亲爱的伙伴命运哀悼:“,咕,咕!”

    He mourn'd for the fate of his darling mate, "Well-a-day!"


  • 赞扬消防员行动承认大教堂命运不确定。

    He praised the actions of the firefighters but admitted the fate of the cathedral had been uncertain.


  • 生活这个世界上命运水泥搅拌机里块石头

    Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer.


  • 回想一下哥伦比亚白尾鹿命运,它现在处于受保护状态

    Recall the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer, now in a protected status.


  • 他们就是全力解决支配任何一家企业命运基本问题

    What they can do is wrestle with the fundamental questions that govern the fate of any enterprise.


  • 总之一句话,两个幸福身旁将是命运阴森哑巴

    In a word, should he be the sinister mute of destiny beside these two happy beings?


  • 骑马打猎土耳其人一样阳光抽烟就是白人命运

    To ride, to hunt, to smoke like a Turk in the sunshine, there's the destiny of the white man.


  • 为了知道命运必须了解你的才能决定怎样使用它们

    In order to know your destiny, you have to know your talents and decide how to use them.


  • 正是这些串珠状DNA结构决定了它们所在细胞命运

    It is the structure of these beaded DNA strings that guide the fate of the cells in which they are located.


  • 欧洲靛蓝植物引进改变了许多命运使大家更多地使用颜色

    The importing of the indigo plant to Europe changed the fortunes of many people and allowed color to be more used.


  • 可能会当做人为处理过的、乏味的、容易消耗命运

    You might think of it as a kind of artificial, processed, bland, easily consumable version of fate.


  • 随着电子商务兴起实体零售店可能遭遇电话黄页同样命运

    With the rise of online commerce, physical retail stores are likely to suffer the same fate as the yellow pages.


  • 命运,你的未来之路选择干什么所有这一切决定着的意义

    Your destiny, your future path, what you choose to do, that all determines what love is.


  • 但愿没有命运会故意误解,只满足一半愿望,把我带走不再回来

    May no fate willfully misunderstand me and half grant what I wish and snatch me away not to return.


  • 这里盲目暴怒神话人物阿特洛波斯命运断了生命线的细线。

    The blind fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.


  • 这里盲目暴怒神话人物阿特洛波斯命运断了生命线的细线。

    The blind fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.


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