One useful tip is that things are more likely to be remembered if you are in exactly the same state and place as you were when you learned them.
This is good for functionality, but there are always some differences in look or behavior, so complex interfaces will never be identical to ones that use native components.
We had all of us picked exactly the same four, and the farmers and butcher take quiet satisfaction in that.
The "trick" xml_indexer USES is the same one that XPath USES.
This code is almost identical to the database version, with some changed file and class names.
For each particle there should be a corresponding antiparticle with exactly the same mass and lifetime but with an opposite electrical charge.
So he dug out archive photos from early Himalayan expeditions, and then journeyed across ridges and crevasses to photograph from the exact same spots.
They found patterns exactly like those in cells from the tumor itself, suggesting that at least some of the blood vessel cells came from the tumor.
If the write operation is to be retried, it must be with the exact same parameters as before.
After the image is started, the server is identical to a server installed and configured through traditional installation mechanisms.
At the end of the operation, the new version of the process will be available in the workspace, and a message will display indicating the workspace and repository versions are equal.
If the mirror is tilted, the light's entry and exit Angle will be exactly the same.
This is especially important if the sender and the receiver of a message do not support exactly the same message format.
The Welcome Center installation wizard steps are the same for the RHEL and SLES distributions, but DVD and network installations have slight differences, as described below.
It blinks at us at exactly the frequency of its rotation, 33 milliseconds.
This tool treats business state machines and business processes similarly: They can have same relationships to external services, and their test and deployment environments are identical.
In fact, lines 6 and 8 are exactly the same, even though the readings they represent have different meanings.
It used a transistor, a resistor, and a capacitor in the same configuration that Kearns had designed.
That means that a browser, a PDA, and a voice recognition system can all use exactly the same form.
You use the annotation type in Listing 1 exactly the same way you use the built-in annotation types, except that you indicate the custom annotation by both its name and package.
In fact, lines 7 and 9 are exactly the same and contained within the same group, even though the readings they represent have different meanings and should belong to different groups.
Although it may seem strange to compare FXG to CSS, FXG conceptually accomplishes the same exact thing as CSS: it separates the layout code from the style information.
The match may be exact if the publisher and subscriber specify exactly the same topic name, or the subscriber may specify a wildcard to match many different published topics.
In the Netherlands is the only country that has exactly identical legal status for marriage between men and between women and marriage between a man and a woman.
As far as we can tell, Enterprise and Ultimate editions will be the same, except that the former is sold only through volume licensing.
Second, navigation is the same for the XUL applet as it is for the entire browser -- the user does not need to learn a new set of interactions.
The good news is that Listing 5 and Listing 6 are identical — showing that JAXB does a pretty good job once that initial roundtripping step has been taken.
Instead, because namespace declarations have exactly the same XML syntax as attributes, most XML programmers think of namespaces as attributes.
Conceptually, one can view the STA adapter as identical to the physical adapter after virtualization.
The code for the corresponding action will be much the same as that described for starting the server, so it won't be listed here.