• 节马上就要到了。你愿意我的家人一起庆祝吗?

    The Spring Festival is coming soon. Would you like to celebrate it with my family together?


  • 最近年来家人一起度过这天

    As has been the case for the last two years, I shall be spending today with my family.


  • 几天之内,好了行李包径直回家家人一起面对这场意外磨难

    Within days, I had packed up all of my college belongings and headed home with my family ready to face this unexpected hurdle.


  • 得很感觉温暖阳光自由奔跑家人一起玩儿…昨天晚上最为难受。

    I just want to feel the warm sunshine and run, and play and nuzzle with my family.


  • 家人一起你们致以良好地问候,并对带给你的失望表示真诚的道歉。

    My family joins me in wishing you all the best. And we sincerely regret the disappointment we are causing to you.


  • 现在可以放松了家人一起享受所有比赛的乐趣。现在也很少卫生间

    Now I can relax and enjoy all the matches with my family. I go to the bathroom a lot less now too.


  • 了的时候,回到海滩上遮阳伞下进行日光浴并且家人一起可乐

    When I get tired I go back to our beach umbrella to sunbathe and drink Coke with my family.


  • 只想穿得帅点,然后家人一起参加舞会不是变成现在尴尬局面

    Kevin : Look, all I wanted to do was take you a nice dress-up party with my family and now it's just turned into a quagmire.


  • 尽管如此,虽然确实喜欢偶尔出去吃饭还是比较喜欢在家做饭然后家人一起吃饭

    Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family.


  • 来说,只有休息而且家里学校很远所以不能我的家人一起庆祝这个特别日子

    For me, I only have one day off, and I study far away from my family, so I can't celebrate this special day with my family.


  • 多年以来第一家人一起我的故乡生活穆里尼奥告诉告诉泰晤士报“很多时间自己的工作时候无法办到的。”

    "I have lived for the first time for many years in my country, in my city, with my family," Mourinho told the Times. "I had time to do things that I don't have when I'm working."


  • 事实上现在家人泰国度假希望我的朋友一起

    Actually, I'm on holiday with my family in Thailand at the moment, although I wish it were with my friends instead.


  • 如,现在和我住在一起的这家人,一开始还不错。

    The family I'm staying with, for example, were nice at first.


  • 正如今晚自己的家人一起不仅要记起那些失去家庭成员还有那些幸存下来永远忍受一天伤痛的人们。

    As we join here tonight with our own families, we remember not only those family members who were lost, but those who survived and will forever endure the pain of that day.


  • 发现牺牲那些有影响事情有好处最喜欢电视而不是牺牲时间家人朋友以及女朋友一起

    I found it more beneficial to sacrifice tasks that only affected me, like watching my favorite TV shows, instead of sacrificing time with my family, friends, and girlfriend.


  • 假期永远都是特别因为这个时候就有机会们的朋友家人相聚一起

    The holidays are special because of the opportunities we get to connect or reconnect with friends and family.


  • 需要2个月就会一个特定地方熟悉起来从来没有变过——就是男朋友(因为)家人(因为血缘)一起

    It only takes me about 2 months at a certain location, to have it feel "familiar", but my home never changes - it's with BF (my heart) or with my family (my blood).


  • 这个录像家人一起欢聚的人今天所看到的面对着全美观众发表全球气候变暖陈述的那个正是同一个人。

    The same guy we see hanging out with his family in this video is the same guy we see giving Keynote presentations about global warming to packed houses across the US.


  • 关于自己这个世界上最喜欢东西包括时间我的家人一起写作跑步

    For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running.


  • 这些时间本来可以家人一起或是去海滩、或是看看书、或是开始的一部作品。

    That time could have been spent with your family, on the beach, reading, or working on your first book.


  • 决定参加马拉松时,来自朋友家人帮助关岛还有一个很棒的跑步社团他们跑5千公里时给加油,和我一起很远

    When I decided to run my marathon, I had the help of friends and family, and I had a great running community on Guam who encouraged me at 5k RACES and did long runs with me.


  • 除了不是家人一起像是加拿大一样庆祝了圣诞节。 在家乡这个季节是一个特别适合全家一起的节日。

    We celebrated Christmas much as we would have in Canada, except that we weren’t with our families in our homes during that very special family-oriented holiday season.


  • 秋天在这里迫不及待我的家人朋友们一起坐在篝火旁享用烧烤大餐还有甜点

    Fall is here, and I can't wait to sit around a campfire, roasting dinner and dessert with family and friends.


  • 全体家人一起向各位致以良好的祝福来年天佑民!

    All my family joins me in sending every one of you best wishes for Christmas and may God's blessing be with you, in the coming year!


  • 现在一起就符合这样的条件。中,有一个男孩,高中毕业已经活跃在教堂青年团体了。

    I was living with this guy and his family (he hadn't graduated from high school yet) and he was heavily involved in his youth group at church.


  • 秒钟时间清醒过来。“家人一起的时候不舒服,”,他在工作不得不努力,已经辛苦的了,需要一些事他说得算的。”

    Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, "Oh, he's very uncomfortable with my family," or "Hmmm, he's been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)"


  • 秒钟时间清醒过来。“家人一起的时候不舒服,”,他在工作不得不努力,已经辛苦的了,需要一些事他说得算的。”

    Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, "Oh, he's very uncomfortable with my family," or "Hmmm, he's been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)"


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