• 燃料电池汽车排放废气产生是脂肪酸盐

    Instead of exhaust fumes, the fuel-cell car produces soap and water.


  • 虽然燃料电池电动汽车本身不会释放二氧化碳,但使用化石燃料生产氢气电能依旧会产生二氧化碳

    While fuel cell or electric vehicles emit no carbon dioxide themselves, CO2 is produced when hydrogen or electricity is produced from fossil fuels.


  • 一个蒸汽转化器放在汽车燃料电池一起,就可以油箱加满甲醇而不是氢气

    Put a steam reformer in a car along with the fuel cell and you can fill the tank with methanol instead of hydrogen.


  • 其它日本汽车制造商已经开始着手制造燃料电池汽车这种汽车通过化学反应发电这种化学反应的副产品只有

    Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water the only by-product.


  • 由此产生氢气可以用来汽车燃料电池补充燃料氢气一氧化碳混合可以用作合成气体”的燃料

    Hydrogen produced could be used to fuel hydrogen fuel cells in cars, for example, while a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used to create "syngas" for fuel.


  • 他们表示,就目前而言,燃料电池汽车只是减少温室气体节省石油资源解决办法中的一个体现而已

    But for now, fuel-cell vehicles represent part of a multi-faceted solution to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve petroleum resources, they said.


  • 丰田汽车混合燃料技术方面赢得了人们很大的兴趣,他们正在开发一系列燃料电池电动汽车其他清洁能源汽车这些汽车使用生物燃料清洁柴油

    Toyota Motor Corp., which has already won strong interest in its petrol-electric hybrids, is developing a range of fuel cell, electric and other clean cars that run on biofuel or clean diesel.


  • 研究发现利用WWS资源充电电池汽车燃料电池汽车有助于大幅降低交通领域污染

    The study also found that battery-electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles recharged by WWS options would largely eliminate pollution from the transportation sector.


  • 然而他们低估了现实,要制造安全可靠价格合理,并且行驶距离驾驶性能被广大司机接受燃料电池汽车并没有想象中那么容易。

    But they underestimated the obstacles in the way of producing a reliable, affordable car with the kind of range and drivability motorists now take for granted.


  • 最终混合动力汽车电动汽车——不管它们是电池驱动还是燃料电池驱动——将带来更加好的环境效果

    Ultimately, hybrid vehicles and electric cars-whether powered by batteries or fuel cells-will deliver even more environmental rewards.


  • 之后氢气用作汽车燃料电池燃料

    The hydrogen could then be used as a fuel source for vehicles or fuel cells.


  • 交通:它们都是使用燃料电池汽车飞机(使用植物中提取氢气磁悬浮列车

    TRANSPORTATION: It’s all fuel-cell cars and planes (using hydrogen from the nuclear plants) and maglev trains.


  • 通用汽车招募名流新闻记者、商业人士公众人士燃料电池雪佛兰Equinox

    GM has recruited celebrities, journalists, businesspeople and members of the public to test a fuel-cell version of its Chevrolet Equinox.


  • 今年主题清洁交通,这包括燃料电池天然气其他替代能源驱动轿车公共汽车

    A key theme this year is clean transportation, including cars and buses driven by fuel cells, natural gas and other alternative sources.


  • 柴油机混合动力燃料电池代表汽车动力推进系统近期中期远期解决方案

    The diesel car, mingle power automobile and fuel battery are solving project for automobiles power pushing system in the near future, metaphase and long dated.


  • 作为汽车提供动力一种能源燃料电池令人失望。笔记本电脑移动电话来说他们刚刚开始起步。

    As a source of power for cars, fuel cells have been a disappointment. For laptops and mobile phones, they are just about to take off.


  • 叙述我国建设燃料电池汽车用加氢所涉及建设思路车用氢气选择看法有关建议

    This article describe constructive idea of adding hydrogen station on Chinese fuel cell auto and view of hydrogen source choice by auto and relate to suggestion.


  • 文章介绍未来汽车动力开发背景发展趋势,重点介绍了燃料电池动力系统应用技术发展趋势。

    This paper introduces the background and development trend of the future automotive power train as well as the development trend and application of power train for fuel cell.


  • 通过燃料电池汽车现代汽车仪表研究开发了一套智能仪表信息系统

    This automobile information system is developed after the research of fuel cell vehicle and modern auto meter.


  • 一旦研究人员了解藻类如何有效率进行工作由此产生氢气用于燃料电池动力汽车发电

    Once the researchers can get the algae working efficiently, the hydrogen that they produce could be used to power fuel cells in cars or to generate electricity.


  • 质子交换燃料电池PEMFC)具有较高功率密度能量转化效率最有可能成为电动汽车动力源。

    The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is one of the most promising power sources for future electric vehicles due to it's high power density and energy conversion efficient.


  • 电动汽车新型动力电源包括高能电池燃料电池太阳能电池

    The new power sources of electric vehicle are: high energy battery, fuel cell and solar energy battery.


  • 通用相信基于电池燃料电池技术的电力驱动汽车个人交通提供了一种长期解决方案Nickel补充说

    GM believes that electrically driven vehicles, based on battery and hydrogen fuel cell technology, offer the best long-term solution for providing sustainable personal transportation, he added.


  • 如何有效合理地分配、管理燃料电池电动汽车能量提高车辆动力性能工作效率一个关键问题

    How effective and rational allocation of fuel cell electric vehicle energy flow, improve the vehicle's dynamic performance and efficiency is a key issue.


  • 戴姆勒其他汽车制造商,几家石油公司一样,一直研究开发他们自己的直接应用甲醇燃料电池

    Daimler and others have been doing their own research on direct methanol fuel cells, as have major oil companies.


  • 目前燃料电池体积重量它们实际运用汽车主要障碍

    The size and heft of current fuel cells has been a major obstacle to making them practical for use in automobiles.


  • 本文综合论述电动汽车混合动力电动汽车燃料电池电动汽车研究现状它们未来发展趋势作了展望

    This paper gives a brief view for present status of battery electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle and fuel cell electric vehicle and makes a prospect for their future technology.


  • 众多代用燃料中,氢气燃料燃料电池目前生命力汽车能源

    Hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cell are more vitality and new energies for motor vehicles at present time in many alternative fuels.


  • 众多代用燃料中,氢气燃料燃料电池目前生命力汽车能源

    Hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cell are more vitality and new energies for motor vehicles at present time in many alternative fuels.


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