• 但是银行家杂志提到三家投资银行-瑞银德意志银行瑞士信贷去年因为高比例的市场风险权重资产今年

    But three large investment Banks the Banker mentioned last year for their high proportion of market-risk-weighted assets - UBS, Deutsche bank and Credit Suisse - are also on this list.


  • 欧洲其他地方瑞士国家银行正在国家银行监督机构分担监管瑞士信贷和瑞士联合银行两家最大银行的任务而感到焦虑。

    Elsewhere in Europe, the Swiss National bank is agitating to share oversight of Credit Suisse and UBS, Switzerland's two biggest Banks, with the country's banking supervisor.


  • 投资银行瑞士信贷评估说,这些代表性印刷运输成本仅仅书籍定价成本的十分之一。

    But these costs typically represent only a tenth of a printed book's retail price, estimates Credit Suisse, an investment bank.


  • 其它那些受损相对较小银行诸如摩根大通瑞士信贷,它们就开会

    Those of other banks that emerged relatively unscathed, such as JPMorgan and Credit Suisse, convened much less often.


  • 巴克莱银行德意志银行JP摩根大通、瑞士信贷集团摩根斯坦利苏格兰皇家银行负责今天债券销售

    Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit Suisse Group AG, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc are managing today’s sale, the person said.


  • 之前,瑞士信贷苏格兰皇家银行已经采取了类似措施

    It follows similar moves from Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland.


  • 其余几家包括花旗银行野村控股巴克莱资本瑞士信贷巴黎银行最近几个星期内公布了招聘委任计划

    Several others, including Citigroup, Nomura, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse and BNP Paribas, have announced new hires and appointments in recent weeks.


  • 花旗集团分析师称“离岸资产到了瑞士最大的银行瑞士联合银行(ubs)瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse),所看管的资金总数的15%左右。

    Analysts at Citigroup reckon that "offshore" assets now account for only 15% or so of the money that is looked after by UBS and Credit Suisse, Switzerland's two biggest Banks.


  • 片特邀文章中瑞士信贷投资银行负责人保罗·克里洛()银行前任风险总监威尔森·厄文提出了一条解决银行破产问题方法。

    In a guest article, Paul Calello (pictured left), the head of Credit Suisse's investment bank, and Wilson Ervin, its former chief risk officer, propose a new process for resolving failing Banks.


  • 瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)股价下跌,此前改行公布利润营业收入低于分析师预期

    Credit Suisse limited gains after the Swiss bank posted profit and trading revenue that missed analysts' estimates.


  • 由于美国住宅市场相关结构化信贷资产上遭受损失瑞士联合银行(UBS)再次计190亿美元资产。

    UBS said it would write down an additional $19 billion because of losses in America's housing market and related credit structures.


  • 瑞士信贷银行表示公路的经济收益体现运输效率提高旅游人数的增长。

    Swisss bank Credit Suisse has said its economic benefits will include the easier movement of goods and increased tourism.


  • 活动组织表示来自瑞士信贷银行福布斯杂志最新信息表明更少拥有了更多财富

    The activist group says new information from Swiss bank Credit Suisse and Forbes magazine shows that fewer people hold more of the wealth.


  • 封信阐述了阿诺德建议表示瑞士银行需要尽快行动因为我们美国住房市场信贷市场前景持谨慎态度

    Arnold's Suggestions and states that UBS 'needs to act with urgency... as we remain cautious about the prospects for the U. s. housing market and the outlook for credit markets.


  • 瑞士信贷银行摩根大通拔颔首

    That leaves Credit Suisse and JPMorgan Chase to take the grand prizes.


  • 人力资源咨询公司Resources Connection股市兴旺2000年最后一家上市企业,该公司为此向顾问瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行(CSFB)德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)支付了7%的承销

    Resources Connection, a staffing consultancy that was the last business to go public in the equity boom of 2000, paid a fee of 7 per cent to its advisers, Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutsche Bank.


  • 虽然瑞银代表一些银行认为工资水平的上涨GDP好处,但瑞士信贷指出失业率工资或许是企业利润降低信号——因此也预示着GDP增长率的降低。

    While Banks such as UBS see rising wages as a boon to GDP growth, Credit Suisse noted that lower unemployment and higher wages could be a signal of lower corporate profits-and therefore lower GDP.


  • 虽然瑞银代表一些银行认为工资水平的上涨GDP好处,但瑞士信贷指出失业率工资或许是企业利润降低信号——因此也预示着GDP增长率的降低。

    While Banks such as UBS see rising wages as a boon to GDP growth, Credit Suisse noted that lower unemployment and higher wages could be a signal of lower corporate profits-and therefore lower GDP.


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