October 27, 2009-- Don't be fooled by the kindly eyes and half smiles.
And slowly the kind man comes closer loses his rage sits down at table.
She was a sweet, silverhaired old-timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eyes.
He's known as an affable manager, with a less intense personality than Rometty or Palmisano.
A quickie definition of 'friendly' would be being nice to, and interested in, other people.
But now Mr Wolfowitz is likened less to a benign emperor than to Caesar's suspect spouse.
I am the talking about the kind of abuse that makes words like "gruesome" and "uncivilized" sound nice.
And to Gold Teeth's surprise, Ganesh chuckled benevolently. "And do you think God minds, daughter?"
I assure you that I have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable and sensible young man, without having a wish beyond it.
Then, from behind the gentle voice said: "who is nibbling at my house?" A lady came out from the house.
"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that, " Stephen said. He resisted the temptation to hug this sweet man.
They had kept alive an old memory - that a kindly old cleric brought little gifts to the poor in the weeks leading up to the Feast of the Nativity.
Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, introduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Setrakian, who was running the study.
水果是一个邻居留下的。 这位邻居痛哭和蔼的老妪死得如此:生活在这里,死了几周才被发现。
Outside one is a new year’s offering of fruit left by a neighbour who still laments how the death of the “kind old lady” who lived there went undiscovered for a week.
He saw only one mother hug her child warmly and bring her face close to his; many of the busy fathers hardly knew their children.
The affable Brazilian simply ignored them, got on with the job and proved them wrong in emphatic fashion.
I find that the so-called A-list actors who are the most successful tend to be the nicest and most down-to-earth people because they have nothing to prove.
Besides being a lethal striker, he's one of the kindest footballers, taking the time to sign autographs and greet the fans.
I have to recognize how rightly powerless I am to intervene, except in the most benign way.
If you pick the genial, down-to-earth banker, will you forever regret letting go of that free-spirited artist who loves traveling as much as you?
When my printer's type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned.
The parents wanted to do the right thing by them; but their idea of the right thing was "the mechanized service of the kind which is rendered by an over-conscientious gasoline station attendant."
The parents wanted to do the right thing by them; but their idea of the right thing was "the mechanized service of the kind which is rendered by an over-conscientious gasoline station attendant."