• 银色仙客来品种不是十分耐寒

    The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.


  • 无法将这几个品种区别开来。

    I can't differentiate one variety from another.


  • 这些英国品种之一。

    These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain.


  • 某些品种不能自花授粉。

    Certain varieties cannot be fertilized with their own pollen.


  • 所有这些都是有益的品种潜力尚未认识到

    All of these are useful breeds whose potentiality has not been realized.


  • 有一些品种种子发芽所以差不多每天都要察看一下

    Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.


  • 博洛格研究的小麦品种又细

    Wheat varieties that Borlaug worked with had tall, thin stalks.


  • 有些品种金枪鱼舌头专门凹槽

    Some species of tuna have specialized grooves in their tongue.


  • 2001年,国际协会接受了作为一个新的注册品种

    And in 2001, the International Cat Association accepted it as a new registered breed.


  • 2001年,国际协会接受了作为一个新的注册品种

    In 2001, the International Cat Association accepted it as a new registered breed.


  • 只狗猫咪自己需求其中有些品种特定需求。

    Every dog or cat has its own needs, some of which are specific to the breed.


  • 这种品种如此的美丽,但还是毛虫时候样子却让人大为一

    Beautiful as this species is, the big surprise is in the caterpillar stage of its life.


  • 每一在杂交培养欧洲本地短粒稻米携带基因亚洲长粒品种

    Each team is crossbreeding a local European short-grain rice with a long-grain Asian variety that carries the salt-resistant gene.


  • "结果表明这些(菌类)高度多样化的:似乎蚂蚁不停地培育品种

    These turned out to be highly diverse: it seems that ants are continually domesticating new species.


  • 作为欧盟资助项目,此项针对盐分耐受稻米品种的研究正在三个国家展开。

    As an EU-funded effort, the search for salt-tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries.


  • 他们发现居住时间越长采用改良植物品种越多,使用化学除草剂越少

    They found that longer residence correlated with more adoption of improved plant varieties but less adoption of chemical herbicides.


  • 合格西红柿包括四大品种圆形、伞拱形、椭圆形细长形的,以及鸡尾酒西红柿。

    Qualified tomatoes may come in one of four varieties: round, ribbed, oblong or elongated and cocktail tomatoes.


  • 细胞可以转换成用于协助繁殖项目生殖细胞,帮助增加濒危物种基因库里品种

    The cells could be converted into germ cells for use in assisted breeding programmes to help diversify the gene pools of endangered species, she says.


  • 蝙蝠吸血鬼像。它们在夜间活动有些品种吸血而且它们有着灵敏听觉嗅觉

    Bats are much like vampires. They are nocturnal, some species drink blood, and they have an acute sense of hearing and smell.


  • 攻击其他蜜蜂品种幼虫,将它们里移走,替代它们接受蒙在鼓里宿主母亲的喂养。

    It attacks the larvae of other bee species, removes them from the nest, and takes their place to be raised by the unknowing host mother.


  • 纸张材料许多品种等级虽然容易分辨它们种类,但分辨它们的等级就困难多了。

    There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.


  • Borlaug新型矮秆抗病品种被称为Pitic 62Penjamo 62,极大地改变了墨西哥小麦潜在产量

    Borlaug's new semi dwarf, disease resistant varieties, called Pitic 62 and Penjamo 62, changed the potential yield of Mexican wheat dramatically.


  • 收藏植物包括许多稀有品种

    His collection of plants contains many rarities.


  • 不幸的是,将其他土豆品种杂交尝试均告失败

    Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.


  • 制造商需求增加刺激而扩大生产品种提高产品质量

    As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify and improve quality.


  • 除了经典著作新的电子图书包括大量出版社图书品种

    In addition to the classics, the new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.


  • 这本列出了适合英国花园种植的花草,其中很多引进品种

    The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions.


  • 是第一个开发杂交水稻品种的人。

    He is the first person to develop a hybrid rice strain.


  • 国大约还有7个特殊品种埋藏在地下多年。

    There are also about seven special kinds in the U.S. that stay under the ground for many years.


  • 过精心挑选狗的父母,如今人类已经培育出许多不同品种的狗。

    Today, by carefully choosing dog parents, humans have created many different kinds of dog.


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