He complained that California doesn't do enough to encourage people to become organ donors.
So I hope all of us can be as generous and elect to become organ donors.
People can sign up to be an organ donor when they renew or get their license.
It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you'd like to become an organ donor.
它同时还将要求所有加州司机 在更新驾驶执照时决定自己是否愿意成为一名器官捐献者。
The bill will also require California drivers to decide whether they want to be organ donors when they renew their drivers' licenses.
Whitman said she went public with her story because she hoped to inspire others to become organ donors.
The 17-year-old boy, identified by his surname, "Zheng", said that he had sold the kidney after spotting an online advertisement offering cash to the organ donor.
Organ donors should have their funeral expenses paid by the NHS, according to a proposal to encourage millions more to sign up to the register.
Facing death, Jeff Cross and Lily Cheng had run out of options. But a rare "domino" liver transplant, involving a living donor, gave both a future.
The us has an "opt-in" organ donation system in which one must give consent in order to be designated a donor.
You would think that a chimeric immune system would be more active, not less, and would therefore attack the recipient's other organs, since they look foreign to the transplanted immune cells.
In brain death donations, the donor is kept on a ventilator to keep blood flowing to organs until they can be removed.
He listened carefully as Yancey explained that the living donor had to be a genetic match. And that no money could change hands, that it is illegal to sell body parts.
About 8,000 people need an organ transplant in Britain each year and hundreds die waiting for a suitable donor.
Of 80,000 people who wait for organs every year, only 24,000 find donors, according to the California Transplant Donor Network (CTDN), which matches donor organs and recipients.
Some organs can be donated while you're alive, others like lungs are donated after the donor has died.
FDA approves the first West Nile virus (WNV) blood test to screen donors of blood, organs, cells and tissues.
About a third of all donated organs are harvested from live donors. Nearly all the rest come from people who have been declared brain dead while undergoing treatment in hospitals.
But thousands of organs from would-be donors are never harvested because there is no system to quickly transplant organs from victims of cardiac arrest.
Organs for transplant are obtained either from a cadaver queue or from living donors.
Organs for transplant are obtained either from a cadaver queue or from living donors.