When, after ascending the mountains, I looked around, I was at once aware I had lost my new vision.
It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it except perhaps during the droughts of summer.
Orogeny to the surrounding peaks and categorically separate, when weather, standing Gongga peak to peak to see the golden light refraction, the distance could see smoke rising wave.
When the morning sun rises above the hill, and shines upon the roses round my window sill, I feel very happy especially when I hear the chirp of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill.
When the sun in the morning peeps over the hill, and kisses the roses round my window sill, then my heart fills with gladness when I hear the trill of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird hill.
1734年,查尔斯选择醒目的山顶作为新皇宫的基址,他是那不勒斯的第一个波旁国王。 环绕四周的树林正好配合他对打猎的热情;
The striking hilltop site for a new royal palace was chosen in 1734 by Charles, the first Bourbon king of Naples. Its wooded surroundings suited his passion for hunting;
1734年,查尔斯选择醒目的山顶作为新皇宫的基址,他是那不勒斯的第一个波旁国王。 环绕四周的树林正好配合他对打猎的热情;
The striking hilltop site for a new royal palace was chosen in 1734 by Charles, the first Bourbon king of Naples. Its wooded surroundings suited his passion for hunting;