• 动画电影能带领我们回到童年的时光。

    Watching animated movies always brings us back to our childhood.


  • 回到童年,那样假期似乎永远下去。

    It's like being a child again, where the vacation seems like it'll last forever.


  • 清澈的源头。回到童年与此比拟的旧时光。

    The most limpid, which was always in the source. you can make me back to the childhood and some analogous olden days.


  • 他们厌烦童年急急忙忙长大然后盼望着重新回到童年”。

    That they get bored of childhood, and they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.


  • 有时长大了,我发现麻烦越来越多,所以渴望再次回到童年

    Sometimes, as I am growing up, I find there are more and more troubles, so I am eagerly wish to return to my childhood again.


  • 首先要做就是回到童年告诉自己孩子般学习所有遇到的生词

    The first thing is to go back to your childhood and teach your mind to be as open as a child so that it can take in any new word that it comes across.


  • 假如回到童年做事更有毅力绝不因为事情艰难麻烦而撒手不干

    If I Were A Boy again , I would practise perseverance more often , and never give up a thing for its hardship or inconvenience. If we want light.


  • 开始他们觉得童年无聊于是急着想要长大,当真的长大了渴望回到童年

    That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.


  • 假如回到童年,我做事情毅力不会因为事情麻烦而放弃

    If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was difficult or inconvenient.


  • 假如回到童年我会更多地培养自己的毅力决不因为事情艰难麻烦而放弃

    If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.


  • 看见叔叔阿姨田里感觉亲切亲切仿佛回到童年自己在田里干活情景

    See aunts and uncles in the fields planting Onions, warm and familiar feel good, as if returning to childhood scenes of their work in the fields.


  • 那就是他们一个很闷童年,他们急切地长大然后渴望去重新回到童年”。

    "That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again".


  • 假如回到童年我会更多的培养自己的毅力决不因为事情艰难麻烦而放弃不干

    If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was har or inconvenient.


  • 假如回到童年我会更多的培养自己的毅力决不因为事情艰难麻烦而放弃不干

    If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.


  • 假如回到童年我会更多的培养自己的毅力决不因为事情艰难麻烦而放弃不干

    If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.


  • 人与人之间的距离,一刻最为接近,仿佛重新回到童年小伙伴在火堆前追来跑去。

    The relationship are close at this moment. It seems like you are playing with your neighbours at your childhood.


  • 日日随身携带的手帕“帕”鲜明旗帜带领他们回到童年记忆带领他们走近绿色生活

    The conspicuous sign of "Pake" is a common handkerchief taken with us every day, bringing them back to their childhood memories and closer to a green lifestyle.


  • 日日随身携带手帕“帕”鲜明的旗帜,带领他们回到童年的记忆,带领他们走近绿色生活

    "Handkerchiefers" are characterized by their daily carried handkerchiefs, which lead them to their childhood as well as a green world.


  • 影片爱丽丝已经芳龄19,重新回到童年“兔子洞”里魔幻世界因此知道一切只不过南柯一梦。

    This Alice, at the ripe young age of 19, is returning to the magical world of her childhood, so she knows it's all a dream.


  • 日日随身携带手帕“帕客”鲜明的旗帜,手帕带领他们回到童年的记忆,带领他们走近绿色生活

    An obvious sign of this group of people is that they prefer to carry a handkerchief every day. Handkerchiefs have bought them back to their childhood and guided them near to green life.


  • 然后想象回到童年时候没人告诉,你那些古怪、荒诞想法组合在一起不对的,你非常自然的就这样子去了。

    Back then, nobody told you it was incorrect to link weird and bizarre combinations of ideas together, you did in naturally.


  • 最后假如回到童年,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福——似乎人生唯一目标;与之相反,我会更加努力,他人幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were boy again, try still harder to make others happy.


  • 最后假如回到童年,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福——仿佛人生唯一目标;与之相反,我会更加努力——他人幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, try still harder to make others happy.


  • 若是如此这般的童年图景今晚回到心中,怎能不欢迎其中所包涵贫穷的真谛呢?

    If, this evening, the image of a certain childhood comes back to me, how can I keep from welcoming the lesson of love and poverty it offers?


  • 若是如此这般的童年图景今晚回到心中,怎能不欢迎其中所包涵贫穷的真谛呢?

    If, this evening, the image of a certain childhood comes back to me, how can I keep from welcoming the lesson of love and poverty it offers?


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