• 因此教育回归生活世界制度化教育面临重要课题

    Therefore, that education returns living world is a facing important topic to systematic education.


  • 文章第二部分论述生活世界道德教育回归生活世界基本含义要求。

    The second section of this thesis discusses the meaning of life world and the conception that moral education returning to life world.


  • 新的课程观指道德教育内容方式体现了“回归生活世界”的道德教育理念

    The new concept of curriculum is that the contents and ways of moral education should be back to life world.


  • 第三部分生活世界理论进行整理概述分析德育应该怎样回归生活世界

    Part 3, to order and outline the theories on living world, and analysis that how moral education to go back to the living world.


  • 而今道德教育面临第二解放回归生活世界自然前提诱发道德体验

    Nowadays, moral education is confronted with the second revolution to induce moral experience on the premise of getting back to the world of life and natural environment.


  • 论文旨在明确童谣德育价值丰富德育课程资源为德育回归生活世界做实践尝试。

    The aims were: clear the moral value of nursery rhymes, enrich moral education curriculum resources and add practice experience of moral education.


  • 另外一部分指出了,对知性道德教育进行超越就是要是道德教育回归生活世界

    Besides, it also point out in the first part that exceeding intellectualizing education is to return morality education to real world.


  • 有效对话教学基本理念:关照生命建构追求动态生成回归生活世界游戏精神

    The fundamental logos of effective dialogue teaching include attending to construction of life, quest of dynamics generation, regression of live world, embodying the game spirit.


  • 回归生活世界当代人走出理性世界困境普遍追寻对于道德教育来说同样如此

    "Returning to the world of life" is the common pursuit for the people of our time to walk out of the predicament of the world of rationality, so is for moral education.


  • 因此必要道德教育回归生活世界一理念进一步探究促进道德教育更好的实行。

    Therefore, it is necessary to analyze moral education further so as to realize it much better.


  • 本文维特根斯坦思想梳理揭示出他思想以回归生活世界为核心因而具有一种美学精神

    This text is a pectination to the whole thought system of Wittgenstein, revealing that the core of his thought is a return to the living world, so there is a kind of esthetics spirit in it.


  • 回归生活世界教育不是仅仅使认识一个事实世界更为重要职能指引人们进入意义世界

    The returning-to-the-life-world education not only enables people to understand the real world but its more important function is to lead people to the world of meaning.


  • 前面论述基础上,文章最后一部分四个方面详细论述中小学道德教育回归生活世界具体策略

    On the basis of previous discussion, the last section discusses the particular strategies in detail that the moral education of high and elementary schools returning to life world from four aspects.


  • 马克思开始现代哲学旨在回归近代哲学之出发遗忘现实生活世界

    Modern philosophy initiated by Marx aimed at returning to the world of reality in life which had been the starting point of modern philosophy but long forgotten.


  • 喜欢上海生活,喜欢世界商业中心节奏生活但是回归自然的感觉那么的轻松。

    I love the city life in Shanghai and the fast pace of living in a business capital of the world, but ever so often it is so refreshing to go back to nature.


  • 过分追求生活世界回归容易导致中学语文教学脱离语文学科性质,可能诱发回归中的形式化倾向

    Overrunning after its return to life world can easily lead to Chinese Teaching's separation from the return of this subject, and may induce the formal tendency towards its return to life world.


  • 教学生活世界回归作为生命个体存在主体确认并不排斥知识确定性逻辑不会消弭教学的独特属性

    That teaching returning to life world is the affirmation of the subject as a life individual, which doesn't deny the definite logic of knowledge and will not eliminate the characteristics of teaching.


  • 现代都市生活节奏快,使人们对纷乱嘈杂的的世界感到厌恶,迫切渴望自然静谧简约回归

    Modern city of the noisy confusion of the world's aversion, there is an urgent desire to nature, quiet and simple regression.


  • 精神生活中起普遍基础性作用具有求同性能动性对于符号世界蕴涵以及使认识回归本体的还原性

    In this sense, comprehension plays a fundamental role in human beings' intellectual life and has such features as common ground seeking, initiative playing, symbol implication and cognitive reduction.


  • 教育生活世界内在关联使生活世界回归成为可能

    There are some immanent relationships between the education and the life world, which make the return to life world possible.


  • 最终孩子们会长而且离开如果情况预计那样,对于一些人来讲,一个重新回归二人世界生活机会

    Eventually, the children grow up and leave the nest, if all goes according to plan. For some, it's an opportunity to reclaim life as a couple.


  • 德育课堂所回归生活世界一个事实世界意义世界相互联结世界

    The real world to which the moral education classroom should return is a combination of the world of fact and the world of meaning.


  • 蓝色克奇纳(叫NanGa Sohu)回归前兆告诉我们马上会是新的时代,新的生活方式世界到来

    The return of the Blue Kachina who is also known as Nan Ga Sohu will be the forewarning that tells us there will soon be a new day, new way of life and a new world coming.


  • 文章首先阐述哈贝马斯交往理论回归生活世界之后,生活世界作为交往活动的经验场所具备的深刻内涵

    At first, I discuss how Habermas "communication theory reverts into the life world and what profound meaning the life world contains as an empirical ground of communication activities."


  • 文章首先阐述哈贝马斯交往理论回归生活世界之后,生活世界作为交往活动的经验场所具备的深刻内涵

    At first, I discuss how Habermas "communication theory reverts into the life world and what profound meaning the life world contains as an empirical ground of communication activities."


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