• 在那里谢赫的护照几个不知名男人拿走,而似乎平静,因为当时相信自己将要获得国际声誉,“需要了”。

    There, his passport was taken by some unnamed men, although Shaikh seems unperturbed because at that stage he believed he was on the brink of international fame and "would not need it".


  • 二奶喜爱豪华品牌因为她们必须显示她们男人上心

    Second Wives [like flashy brands] because they have to display that their man is dedicated to them.


  • 大多数男人只要一半脑子不会抱怨因为这个位置他们享受。

    Most men, if they have half a brain, are not going to complain because we are just happy they are down there in the first place.


  • 有证据表明男人会对结婚这件事慎重他们这个问题上决定上往往上更多的时间因为他们必须确定自己已经对于这项美好的生活做好了准备。

    But the evidence suggests men take marriage seriously. They may take longer to commit because they want to make sure they are onboard for good.


  • 首先说和女人交往时候男人不能假装自信因为人们容易就能识别出这个男人表现的真正的自己还是只想她们留下一个好印象。

    First off I want to say that you can not fake confidence when interacting with women because they can easily tell whether a man is being himself or trying to impress them.


  • 出轨线索因为复杂事情——精神上、感情上、身体上,它需要男人调整

    There are almost always clues, because it's a complicated thing-mentally, physically and emotionally-so it requires a lot of adjustments to pull off.


  • 告诉自己起精神来,并且变得更强壮男人起来,”,“我不想成为受治疗群体因为他们认为我发疯了,懦弱。”

    "I kept telling myself to buck up and be strong — to man up," he said. "I didn't want to be part of a therapy group because they would think I was crazy or weak."


  • 感觉被忽视或者因为梦想职业感觉不安追求这样男人最后的结局只有心痛——你们两个人来说,坦诚说丢脸而且让人筋疲力尽

    Chasing a guy because he feels neglected or because your dream career makes him feel insecure will only end in heartache - for you both, and frankly it is humiliating and exhausting.


  • 因为完美。当打开男人衣橱时从左,依次女士晚礼服、。

    Sheldon: Because it was immaculate. I mean, you opened that man's closet, it was left to right evening gowns.


  • 如果一个男人因为外表追求,那遗憾的通知你,他不是真正你!

    If a man pursuit you for your good appearance, I regret to inform you that he is not really love you!


  • 真的特别因为这个小不点儿唱歌投入感情热忱活像一个35岁的男人

    That's pretty special, 'cause this little tiny boy was singing with all the soul and passion of a 35-year-old man.


  • 阿列格人的穿着特别们都会把自己遮住人们则不会因为男人经常沙漠穿行,需要保护自己的脸抵御干燥的空气风沙

    The Tuareg dress in a special way. The men cover their faces. The women do not. The men travel a lot in the desert. They need to protect their faces from the dry air and sand.


  • 对比我男人兴趣。因为邮票所以我也不了来信抱歉啦!

    Oh, I am not interested in younger men. And I can't read your letters 'cause I have no stamps. So sorry.


  • 我们觉得这个男人看起来古怪但是因为我们觉得害怕看起来所以没有说起这个人。

    We all felt that this man looked very strange, but, because each of us was afraid of looking very stupid, no one said anything.


  • 周六比赛令人失望因为不断侵犯而当告诉裁判时,男人比赛

    "Saturday was disappointing because I was constantly being fouled and when I said something the ref said to me it is a man's game," he told MEN Sport.


  • 但是时候女人觉得挫败因为男人总是重复件事:“孩子们好,健康快乐我们漂亮房子抱怨什么呢?”

    But I think a lot of times women feel frustrated because men are just oblivious to the issue: "the kids are fine, happy and healthy, we got a nice house, why are you complaining?"


  • 翻译喜欢WWE,我喜欢约翰·塞纳我喜欢WWE因为才是我们男人运动

    I like WWE, I also like John senna him very strong, that is because I like WWE we men sport.


  • 这位男士急切地想知道真相,于是走近男人跟前说:“抱歉打搅因为从没你们那样那么多人送葬可送葬的队伍却排成单行。”

    The man couldn't stand his curiosity. He approached the man walking with the dog, "I am so sorry to disturb you, But I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in single line."


  • 这位男士急切地想知道真相,于是走近男人跟前说:“抱歉打搅因为从没你们那样那么多人送葬可送葬的队伍却排成单行。”

    The man couldn't stand his curiosity. He approached the man walking with the dog, "I am so sorry to disturb you, But I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in single line."


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