• 指责曾策划军队中的不团结

    He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces.


  • 总统就职演说中呼吁全国团结

    In his inaugural address, the president appealed for national unity.


  • 集会发言者们表达了团结观点

    Speakers at the rally expressed sentiments of unity.


  • 来自法赫德国王口信相信阿拉伯团结呼吁

    He has a message from King Fahd, believed to be an appeal for Arab unity.


  • 总统辞职看起来已经放弃国家团结起来所有希望一种承认

    The president's resignation appears to be an acknowledgment that he has lost all hope of keeping the country together.


  • 不是一个可以我们的组织团结起来主意恰恰相反,分裂我们。

    It is not an idea around which the community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.


  • 我们应该团结起来保护环境

    All of us should unite in protecting environment.


  • 迪尔凯姆提出宗教信仰的作用加强社会团结

    Durkheim proposed that religious beliefs functioned to reinforce social solidarity.


  • 不能指望学校凭一己之力就社区团结起来

    Schools cannot be expected to bring together communities single-handed.


  • 我们人民伟大友谊战斗团结坚不可摧的。

    The great friendship and militant solidarity between the peoples of our two countries are unbreakable.


  • 通过巩固鹰派新的结盟可能团结振奋以色列鸽派

    By consolidating the hawks, the new alignment may also unify and perk up the doves in Israel's aviary.


  • 分享面包其他食物人类共同传统可以促进团结信任

    Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust.


  • 罗马执着于团结凝聚力很可能起源于罗马早期发展模式

    The source of Roman obsession with unity and cohesion may well have lain in the pattern of Rome's early development.


  • 如果我们避免有关紧张局势扩散恶化这种团结必要的。

    Such solidarity is necessary if we are to avoid a proliferation and aggravation of tensions relating to water.


  • 实现帮助艾滋病患者一目标最好方法尽可能多团结同情心

    The best method to accomplish the goal of helping patients with AIDS is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible.


  • 我们学会分歧使我们团结起来,不是分裂时,我们可以取得很多成就。

    We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather than divide us.


  • 一组称之为团结项目组”,这个项目中,两个团队合作得非常

    The other, I'll call Project Unity, during which both teams worked very well together.


  • 气候团结组织项目主管尼克·珀克斯相信活动环保行动未来所在

    Nick Perks, project director for Climate Solidarity, believes this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies.


  • 良田争夺可能促使人们团结起来,宣告他们对于最好田地的所有权。

    Competition for good farmland may also have prompted people to bond together to assert rights over the best fields.


  • 桌上着各种水果玉米礼物一只公用团结,用来倾倒分享饮料。

    Other items placed on the table are a variety of fruit, ears of corn, gifts, and a communal unity cup for pouring and sharing drinks.


  • 我们赞扬我们成员这个事件上表现出团结美国作家协会罢工支持

    We applaud our members for the solidarity shown in this matter, which is in support of the strike of the Writers Guild of America.


  • 斯堪的纳维亚,对谦虚社会团结等美德信仰使人们不敢以不同的方式对待聪明孩子

    In Scandinavia, a belief in virtues like modesty and social solidarity makes people flinch from the idea of treating brainy children differently.


  • 宽扎节团结自主集体工作责任合作经济目标创造力信仰七个原则基础。

    Kwanzaa is based on seven principles which are unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.


  • 他们证明家庭真正意义上团结精神并且作为一个社会,我们他们负有相应责任

    They demonstrate a real sense of solidarity within the family, and as a society, we have a corresponding responsibility towards them.


  • 那次战役中,杜南决心组建一支队伍,战争时期团结起来,照顾伤员垂死人员需求

    From that battle, Dunant determined to form a body of people who would rally together in times of war and attend to the needs of wounded and dying.


  • 那次战役中,杜南决心组建一支队伍,战争时期团结起来,照顾伤员垂死人员需求

    From that battle, Dunant determined to form a body of people who would rally together in times of war and attend to the needs of wounded and dying.


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