• 这场讨论围绕具体的会计技巧

    The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.


  • 整个意大利文化围绕饮食习俗

    The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.


  • 展览围绕工作休闲主题来布置

    The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.


  • 讨论围绕东欧发展这一中心议题进行。

    Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe.


  • 围绕索米尔含白垩土壤出产著名安茹葡萄酒

    The chalky soil around Saumur produces the famous Anjou wines.


  • 他们担心围绕宣传会有损他们自已的竞选活动

    They feared that the publicity surrounding him would detract from their own election campaigns.


  • 围绕昨天接管问题争议继续电视业产生反响。

    The controversy surrounding the takeover yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry.


  • 这部小说本在一定程度上围绕当前政治问题撰写的政治惊悚小说。

    The novel is a political thriller loosely based around current political issues.


  • 围绕这些李子而展开的辩论已经开始

    Debates around these plums have begun.


  • 房屋围绕着天井庭院布置

    Houses are organized around a patio, or courtyard.


  • 围绕海王星气层内所含大量甲烷染成了蓝色

    The large amount of methane contained in the atmosphere surrounding Neptune stained it blue.


  • 从前社会围绕宗教农业贸易工业而组成

    Once upon a time societies were organized around religion, farming, trade or industry.


  • 当接吻正在进行时候,所有女士都围绕着。

    All the ladies stood round her, whilst the kissing was going on.


  • 可能知道地球围绕太阳轨道形状一个完美的

    You are probably aware that the earth's orbit around the sun is not shaped like a perfect circle.


  • 例中下面所示代码使条直线围绕动画中心旋转

    In this case, I rotate the line around the center of the movie with the code shown below.


  • 如果一个围绕地球椭圆形,那么这近地点,这是远地点

    If this is an ellipse around the Earth, this would be perigee and this would be apogee.


  • 邀请他们回到大篷车不是围绕篝火饮家酿的苹果酒。

    I invite them back to my caravan instead to have homemade cider around the campfire.


  • 充斥房间活动数据包来回地跳跃就像围绕数字路灯数字飞蛾

    The room thrummed with the activity of packets fluttering to and fro like little digital moths around a digital streetlight.


  • 上海环球金融中心SWFC顶部彩灯围绕梯形开口舞动。

    Fairy lights dance around the trapezoid opening at the top of the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC).


  • 小组计划重新围绕12建筑,评估进展考虑采取进一步行动

    The team plans to return to around a dozen of the buildings to assess progress and consider further action.


  • 行星认为是围绕恒星旋转气体尘埃组成的圆盘中的粒子累积而成。

    Planets are believed to emerge from the accretion of particles in a disk of gas and dust as they whirl around the star.


  • 创始人特意项目重点围绕光上——也是名称视觉研究”的由来。

    The founders deliberately focused their projects around lighthence the 'visual studies' in the name.


  • 我们行星地球连同其他行星围绕我们的太阳旋转,就是我们的太阳系

    Our planet Earth, together with other planets, revolve around our Sun in what is called our Solar system.


  • 未经破坏的珊瑚礁围绕海湾

    An unspoiled coral reef encloses the bay.


  • 女贞树篱围绕整个花园

    The garden was enclosed by a privet hedge.


  • 围绕王室成员飞短流长小报主要内容。

    Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press.


  • 围绕题目写作有助于知识已有知识结合起来。

    Writing about a topic helps you integrate new knowledge with what you already know.


  • 今天会议之前决定原则上获同意围绕这项决定还存在一些争议

    The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.


  • 119颗太阳系外行星中的颗。这些行星围绕太阳外的其他星体运行。

    The planet is one of 119 known extra-solar planets, objects that orbit stars other than the sun.


  • 围绕下一个五年经济计划激烈争论在领导层继续时改革呼声到来了

    The calls for reform come as intense debate continues among the leadership over the next five-year economic plan.


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