The proprietary intellectual property rights of the products are owned by our company and the patent of invention is also applied.
At present, our company has declared 11 national invention patents, utility models, a patent.
The products are manufactured by most advanced and updated (National Invention Patent) technology and independently-developed advanced machine with perfect processing lines.
In the domain of harmonic gear drive, our company has acquired a number of national invention patents and new national practical patents.
And a TD, SECOND two security with our own brands and intellectual property rights of a national invention patent.
The subject comes from an item, which is one of the technical difficulties in Shanxi province.
Its actual application obtained good result so that technique has already applied for the national invention patent.
In 1997, our company successfully developed chemical method chlorine dioxide disinfector generator series products, and won the state invention patent.
At present, the group has been awarded 15 National Utility Model Patents and 1 National Invention Patent, and is the biggest manufacturing and researching base of permanent magnetic products in China.
We have undertaken more than 30 national and provincial research projects, gained more than 10 national and provincial science and technology awards, and applied for more than 70 patents.
The designed magnetic fluid sealing at low temperature and large diameter using these research results was accepted as the state patent in 2003, they are widely used in some fields.
To sum up, we obtained 2 invention patents, published 5 articles and 3 graduate students completed their master thesis through working on this project.
6 patent of invention on main element-heater, Aluminium Die Casting, No creepage, anti-scale, heating efficiency is more than 99.97%.
YCK series of permanent magnetic level sensor, which were submitted for national invention patent, boast for the virtue of being reliable, durable and maintenance-free.
Has undertaken a number of National Torch Program projects, the company now owns a number of invention patents.
Intelligent management of these products is the first in the world, has declared the national and international patents for inventions.
In addition, the appearance of products also received a number of countries, new utility and invention patents.
The company has 3 state grade patents, 9 new practical patents and 2 design patents.
We are authorized by state Intellectual Property Office patents protected by state laws.
In order to protect intellectual property rights, I have submitted applications for patents of invention for these four products to State intellectual property Office (SIPO).
Under this standard, an invention must be new to the world, not just to China, precluding patent grants to a Chinese filer for an invention already disclosed elsewhere.
As of September 2014, the company has already declared 34 patent for utility models, 13 invention patents, 3 appearance patents. Authorities had accepted all these patents application.
The device has been recognized as invention patent by the State Intellectual Property Office in 2008 to be open and will soon be licensing the invention.
At present, the state has authorized 11 invention patents and 7 utility model patents.
Shantou Friend of Bottle Swing-top Cap Industry CO., LTD has applied two national patents of this technology and has CIB registration.
The protective technology of TDS-OFDM and its DCLI body and frame have been deemed and authorized as basic patents by the State Intellectual Property Office.
The protective technology of TDS-OFDM and its DCLI body and frame have been deemed and authorized as basic patents by the State Intellectual Property Office.