Panetta's claim that it would rests on the dubious assumption that a nation's strategic ends are fixed.
Our nations' strategic goals coincide: globalization's preservation and continued expansion in the face of radical extremist challenges.
Space power is a power of a country used to enter space, use space and control space for fulfilling national strategic goals.
Few in the EU any longer see membership for any of these countries as a strategic goal.
Its detractors both in Parliament and industry questioned how far a privately-operated entity could be trusted to serve national strategic goals.
The stage is set for objective-based land battles of truly epic proportions as Horde and Alliance vie for control over important strategic positions and resources around Azeroth.
Some countries such as USA, Japan, Singapore focus on human resource globalization as one of their key strategy, they made series of policies to train talents and attract talents as well.
Some countries such as USA, Japan, Singapore focus on human resource globalization as one of their key strategy, they made series of policies to train talents and attract talents as well.