• 国家评论撰写古典乐评的杰诺德灵厄也是其中一员。

    Jay Nordlinger covers classical music for the National Review.


  • 国家评论在线”(NRO)斯蒂芬·斯普鲁伊尔l指出克鲁格曼抱怨的愚蠢,因为网民们在同样回复反驳克鲁格曼基于同样理念重复说法

    Stephen Spruiell at the NRO noted the absurdity of Krugman's complaint that bloggers might use the same responses to rebut Krugman's repeated statements of the same ideology.


  • 反复无意评论国家领导人拐弯抹角

    He repeated that he did not intend to be mealy-mouthed with the country's leaders.


  • 出差周前这个国家旅游时,收音机收听关于已故英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯杰作银河系漫游指南相关评论

    Traveling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business, I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams' masterwork "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" on the radio.


  • 这些事实不能证明一些评论所得结论鞭击受伤报告比率较高国家半数报告案例的。

    These facts do not warrant a conclusion that has been drawn by some commentators: that in the countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious.


  • 的前国家队友朱芳雨也转发了视频,评论道:“我从未见过比他打篮球还好的孩子。”

    Yi's former national teammate Zhu Fangyu also reposted the video, commenting, "I have never seen any kid play basketball better than him."


  • 关系国家大事,这些诗作只是局外人身份评论一番或者叹息一声。

    When it comes to matters of state, these poems only comment and sigh from the sidelines.


  • 然而一个国家稳定不能仅仅依靠日常生活中的“事”状态而是要靠民众国家状态的感知评论

    However, a country's stability not only depends on an "incident-free" state each day, but on people's feelings and comments on this state of being.


  • 同时报纸充满对于这个国家必须自己财产如何生活下去评论以及必须得发生多大程度的变化

    The press, meanwhile, is filled with commentaries about how the country must live within its means, and how much things must change.


  • 俄罗斯新闻机构评论普京表示尽管经济不景气国家工业部门支持帮助部门年初以来增长3.8%。

    State support for the sector had helped it grow by 3.8 percent since the start of the year despite the economic downturn, Putin said in comments reported by Russian news agencies.


  • 不仅仅因为庞大会员数,一些观察家开始将脸书作为一个国家评论

    Not least because of its gigantic population, some observers have started to talk of Facebook in terms of a country.


  • 这样评论与“幸福广东谈话相互呼应但是国家主义政策基础对手提议形成了鲜明对比。

    Such comments have echoes of the Happy Guangdong talk, but the statist raft of policies is a sharp contrast with rival proposals.


  • 刚刚结束的阿拉伯国家联盟首脑会议有何评论

    Q: What is China?s comment on the just-concluded Arab Summit?


  • 国家开发银行发言人表示,对注资一事发表央行声明内容以外任何评论

    A CDB spokeswoman said the bank had no comment on the injection beyond the central bank's statement.


  • 其他国家德国争论默克尔近期评论更为深入。

    The issues of contention with Germany run much deeper than Merkel's recent comments.


  • 对此,英国媒体每日邮报评论:“我们这个国家认为戴着圆顶礼帽、沉默寡言被压抑的人,现在竟成了醉鬼。”

    The nation which was once regarded as a buttoned-up bunch of repressives in bowler hats is now a land of incontinent alcoholics.


  • :有评论中国雅鲁藏布上游建造大坝可能下游国家环境造成影响。中方对此有回应?

    Q: How do you respond to the claim that the hydropower dam which China plans to build on the Yarlung Zangbo River could bring environmental impact on downstream countries?


  • 由于这些原因国家公共电台,《普林斯顿评论》(REVU),皮克斯(DIS),西南航空公司(LUV)鼓励内部配对

    For these reasons, National Public Radio, Princeton Review (REVU), Pixar (DIS), and Southwest Airlines (LUV) encourage in-house matchmaking.


  • 现在消费者对连篇地方市井新闻国家国际大事、评论天气预报电视节目单逐渐失去兴趣

    Consumers are moving away from bundles of domestic, national and international news, opinion, weather reports and TV listings.


  • ANC评论不能区分自己利益国家的利益。

    Critics of the ANC say it fails to distinguish between its own interests and those of the country.


  • 新西兰国家商业评论编辑内维尔•吉布森(Nevil Gibson)将最近动作理解符合逻辑进程造纸上溯价值链中高收益的食品包装产业。

    Nevil Gibson, the editor of New Zealand’s National Business Review, sees his latest moves as a logical progression from paper up the value chain into the higher-margin world of food packaging.


  • 3月19日西方国家开始轰炸利比亚俄罗斯电视评论充斥慷慨激昂

    On March 19th, when Western countries started bombing Libya, Russia's television commentary was filled with vehemence.


  • Bryun轻率评论去年俄罗斯国家报告背道而驰——去年的报告中记录了俄罗斯的酒精消费激增

    Bryun's flippant comments stand in stark contrast to a state report released last year that documented a sharp rise in Russians' alcohol consumption.


  • 哲学家历史学家Will Durant曾经评论国家联合起来的唯一办法外星人入侵

    Philosopher and historian Will Durant once observed that the only thing that could get countries to join forces would be an alien invasion.


  • 来自伦敦AllenWang评论道:“肩负整个国家苦难给予国人不败信念。”

    "You have shouldered a whole nation's pains, and you have given an undefeated faith to all Chinese," commented Allen Wang from London.


  • 评论SamirShehadi国家电视台警告叙利亚将来支持沙特巴林境内的什叶派作为国的报复

    Speaking on state TV, commentator Samir Shehadi warned that Syria would in future support Shia protestors in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in retaliation for their stand.


  • 评论SamirShehadi国家电视台警告叙利亚将来支持沙特巴林境内的什叶派作为国的报复

    Speaking on state TV, commentator Samir Shehadi warned that Syria would in future support Shia protestors in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in retaliation for their stand.


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