In the analysis of the perfection of relevant institutions, there is focus on the perfection of the system of state restitution and the system of registration.
Administrative compensation for mental damages is established in state indemnity systems by many countries while there is no explicit definition in the state compensation Law in China.
And it discussed the perfection of system in environmental legislation, such as group lawsuit system, administrative relief system, insurance system and national reparation system.
Spiritual harm, administrative non-execution and how to execute pursuing of the right of indemnity in our state indemnity system should be further perfected.
Whether the system of compensation for spiritual damage should be instituted in state compensation law has been a controversial focus in law circle.
However, after our country 's criminal judicature compensation system then is new China establishes through "National compensation Law" the only then official establishment.
However, after our country 's criminal judicature compensation system then is new China establishes through "National compensation Law" the only then official establishment.