Due to the limit of laws and rules, strong international contractors only expand the business primarily and enjoy low market share in China up to now.
Not only can contract claim enhance the ability of contractors to manage international engineering, but also can bring considerable financial benefit.
Abstract: According to the ENR weekly of 2008, the sequence of top 225 international contractors is analyzed and compared in this paper.
Because the models are simple and their calculations are easy, they would help contractor to correctly choose bidding project and make bidding decision in international engineering market.
Claim damages is an important aspect in an international contract project. It has brought to internal and external contractors' great attention as a means to transfer risk and gain project.
The mode of calling for tenders in public has been used in Gongyuan Rd Project of Shanghai International Automobile City Works to choose contractors.
Abstract: Advance payment bank guarantee for international project involves the interests and risks of employer, contractor and guarantee bank.
From the views of contractors, the dissertation is focused on the quantitative risk evaluation methods in the bidding process of international lager civil engineering project.
Main engineering projects were contracted and constructed by international contractors.
In the light of the concrete situation of international contractors at present, this paper makes analysis on some notable problems in international contract project management.
Currently as the competition is increasingly drastic, the contractors have to improve capacity of risk management as to gain a place at international offshore oil engineering market.
And the international project construction risk is in existence to both the client and the general contractor.
Abstract: Bid quote of engineering determines the bidding level and profitabity after acceptance of bid.
Minimum 1 international industry project experience on Lead Field Engineer or Project Engineer's role in EPCm Contractor or Construction Contractor's Team.
According to the weekly journal of Engineering News Record (ENR), the sequences of ENR's Top 225 international contracts and global contracts are analyzed and compared in this paper.
According to the weekly journal of Engineering News Record (ENR), the sequences of ENR's Top 225 international contracts and global contracts are analyzed and compared in this paper.