In 1998 it became evident that additional updates to the standard were necessary and that formal recognition through an internationally recognized standards organization was required.
The USITT standard, while the DE facto industry standard, was not formally recognized by the international standards community.
随后国际标准化组织(ISO)接受 ODF作为国际标准(ISO/IEC 26300)。
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) followed up with acceptance of ODF as an international standard (ISO/IEC 26300).
The International Organization for standardization (ISO) is working toward the standardization of Schematron; a draft specification is available (see Resources).
Standards of vibration born by hands were presented and analysed about that of Britan, Soviet Union, and International Standardization Organization.
ISO works in accordance with an agreed set of rules of procedure, the ISO/IEC Directives, which also include requirements on the presentation of standards.
The panel advocated obtaining help in this area from such organizations as International Standards Organization (ISO) and Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
我方集装箱的规格完全符合国际标准化组织规定的标准。 。
Our containers are in complete conformity to the specification laid down by the International Standardization Organization.
ISO 9000族标准是国际标准化组织(英文缩写为iso)于1987年制订,后经不断修改完善而成的系列标准。
ISO9000 International Organization for Standardization (English abbreviation ISO) enacted in 1987, after the continuous modification and perfection of a series of standards.
ISO 9000标准是由国际标准化组织所颁布的编号以9为主的一系列质量管理标准。
The ISO9000 standard is developed by the international organization for standardization promulgated by the numbered to 9 mainly of a series of quality management standard.
在这种背景下,国际标准化组织推出ISO 14000系列环境管理标准。
Under this background, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) brought out ISO14000 series environmental management standard.
本指南采用了来自很多标准的概念,例如国际标准化组织(iso) 17799。
This guide incorporates concepts from many standards such as the International standards Organization (ISO) 17799.
TCN (IEC61375)是IEC国际标准化组织制定的适用于开式列车的数据通信标准。
TCN (IEC61375), which formulated by International Organization for Standardization, is a data communication standard applied to open train.
JPEG is a static image compression standard developed jointly by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and CCITT. It's the most frequently used image storage format.
The streaming media technology and IPTV technology, the International Organization for Standardization or related manufacturers have been related agreements and coding standards or recommendations.
Which ISO standards are used for the management of geo-spatial data?
国际标准化组织提出的ISO 9000族标准是质量管理体系通用的要求和指南。
ISO9000 standards issued by International Organization for Standardization are general requirement and guide to quality management system.
SGML was developed for defining the structure and content of an electronic document, and standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1986.
Based of all of this, IEEE1451 international standard organization proposed a current interface standard for smart sensor called IEEE1451 standard since 1993.
ISO 9000族标准是国际标准化组织颁布的世界通用的质量管理标准。
The series of ISO9000 standards is the most popular quality management standards that published by the ISO.
Unified modeling language (UML) is a modeling method with object-oriented concept. It has been adopted to be international standard in software modeling field by ISO.
本文主要介绍了国际标准化组织最新颁布的系统工程标准ISO/IEC 15288的产生背景、主要内容和发展趋势。
This article introduces the background, main contents and developing trend of ISO/IEC 15288 system engineering standard issued lately by ISO.
The on-going International Organization for Standardization(ISO) standards related to space debris are summarized including 1 DIS standard, 4 CD standards, 3 WD standards and 5 NWIP standards.
对标准图像的仿真测试结果表明,该算法的性能明显优于国际标准化组织JPEG- L S提供的标准无损压缩算法。
The results of simulation test on standard images show that the performance of this algorithm is obviously better than that of the standard algorithm (LOCO I) provided by the JPEG LS of ISO.
A new still image compression standard: JPEG2000 developed by ISO has higher compression performance as well as some new features which is beneficial to digital image processing.
STEP is the standard for the representation and exchange of product mo del data established by the ISO.
So the ISO referred the new still image compression standard: JPEG2000. This paper first introduced the theory of still picture standard JPEG2000 and discussed the key techniques .
The MPEG standards established by ISO/IEC and ITU have made great influence on digital video application.
The MPEG standards established by ISO/IEC and ITU have made great influence on digital video application.