• 几乎没人相信此项协议管理国家巨额债务能够发挥足够效用,2014年前希腊重返国际市场目标看起来也不乐观

    Few believe the deal will do enough to make the country's debt pile manageable, and the goal of allowing Greece to return to the international markets by 2014 looks optimistic.


  • 对于石油,就查韦斯先生非常明白的那样,虽然不断地进行恐吓自夸,但是将这种武器瞄准目标件异常困难的事情。因为石油不天然气可以装载罐子某个单一的国际市场出售

    With oil, as Mr Chávez well knows for all his huffing and puffing, aiming thisweaponis especially difficult, since oil, unlike gas, can be loaded on tankers and sold into a single world market.


  • 我们角色就是帮助种植者获得目标市场上具有真正价格羊毛制造商零售商以及国际市场上的消费者

    Our role is to help growers to receive the true value of their wool by targeted marketing to manufacturers, retailers and consumers in international markets.


  • 钢铁市场面临国际竞争环境背景分析了公司经营战略经营目标

    According to the background of the international competitive environment the steel market is facing to, the company's operation strategy and goal are analyzed.


  • 国际物流其中南亚孟加拉尼泊尔印度作为目标市场

    International logistics; one to South Asia, Bangladesh, Nepal and India as a target market.


  • 羊毛合作伙伴拒绝参加国际毛纺组织既定羊毛检测征收制度,目的维护自身的重点目标市场

    Wool Partners has declined to participate in the wool testing levy established by the IWTO, preserving its own focus on targeted marketing.


  • 获得哈佛mba之后紧接着要实现目标继续一个国际咨询公司工作帮助海外公司进入日本市场突出的表现。

    My immediate goal after getting an MBA is to continue working for a global consulting firm and to help foreign companies enter and excel in the Japanese market.


  • 中国一个石油需求高速增长、石油市场潜力巨大国家,早已成为国际大油公司进军目标

    However, targeted by the international oil giants, China is a huge country which demand of petroleum is swiftly increasing and the potential of the market is vast.


  • 印度回归人们的视野,巴西将达不到目标国际新兴市场风投来说,2015将属于印度

    Bollywood is back; Brazil misses the goal: For international and emerging market ventures, 2015 will be the year of India.


  • 他们目标这部影片出现各个国际影展上,以期其他国家拓展市场

    Their goal is to have the film shown at various international film festivals in hopes of creating a market in other countries.


  • 思维战略眼光开拓国际市场实现产品世界一流目标海外上市

    With new thinking, new strategy view points, to develop international market, to realize the aim of world first - class products, to enter overseas stock market.


  • 盛科技专精化业务目标日益成为中国市场高端无损检测设备服务主要供应商之一,也是链接国际无损检测品牌中国市场有效渠道

    Jadeshine has been taken as one of the main suppliers in China of high-end NDT products and NDE services, and the right channel and partner between international NDT brands and China market.


  • 第三探讨中国彩电企业进入国际市场目标市场产品选择

    Chapter three is to discuss the target market and product choosing for China's TV firms entering the international market.


  • 我们目标成为市场中领先国际品牌未来两三酒店网络遍布中国大小城市

    Our target is to be a premier and leading international hotel brand in the market near 2-3 years in Greater China, in all the major cities.


  • 我们提高国内市场占有率并且国际市场作为战略上的目标市场

    Strategically, we shall not only increase our domestic market share, but also strive forward to open up the international market.


  • 我们提高国内市场占有率并且国际市场作为战略上的目标市场

    Strategically, we shall not only increase our domestic market share, but also look forward to prizing up the international market.


  • 目标开发国际市场

    Ayre clearly aims to exploit the worldwide market.


  • 为了兼顾两项目标许多企业会采取保守的做法,尝试通过延伸产品线或是扩张新的国际市场,达成成长目标

    To balance these two goals, many businesses end up playing it safe and trying to grow through line extensions or by expansion into new international markets.


  • 营销战略分析包括国有商业银行的市场细分战略、目标市场战略、市场定位战略以及竞争战略、关系营销战略营销国际战略。

    The marketing strategy analysis includes the market segmentation, targeting and position as well as the market competition, relationship marketing and international marketing.


  • 全球范围来看,可以看到成功目标定位于年轻人漫游市场国际通话以及其它

    Across the world we see successful MVNOs targeting youth, roaming markets, international calling and others.


  • 海尔国际中心目标美国市场他们希望在美国市场自己打造成为顶尖的大型家用电器制造商

    Central to Haier's internationalization is the American market, where they hope to establish themselves as a top manufacturer in white goods.


  • 战略目标打造国际旅游产品品牌拓宽国内外旅游客源市场

    The strategy target is, to build international travel product brand and widen domestic and international travel market;


  • 报告选择THEBODYSHOP客观分析潜在新的国际市场讨论目标市场营销计划

    The report chooses the BODY SHOP as objective to analyze its potential new international market and discusses the marketing plan for the target market.


  • 在这个激烈市场环境竞争下,公司目标创建强大的啤酒品牌以此维持国际市场上的地位。

    The company aim to create strong and relevant brand portfolios to develop their global success and remain competitive within a fierce market.


  • 达到每年市场提供品牌化、规模化,符合国际标准兔肉200014万,乳兔20万只,兔毛20吨的生产目标

    So that we can provide 2000 tons rabbit meat, 140,000 pieces of rabbit skin, 200,000 young rabbit and 200,000 tons of rabbit hair every year, all with the quality of international standards.


  • 达到每年市场提供品牌化、规模化,符合国际标准兔肉200014万,乳兔20万只,兔毛20吨的生产目标

    So that we can provide 2000 tons rabbit meat, 140,000 pieces of rabbit skin, 200,000 young rabbit and 200,000 tons of rabbit hair every year, all with the quality of international standards.


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