Hedge funds in international financial markets to stir up trouble.
Neither of these asset classes is immune to the turmoil in global financial markets.
Has it continued to exacerbate volatility or has the US exercised a stabilizing influence on international financial markets?
This paper aims at analyzing the impact of the new currency, euro, on the international financial markets.
China is willing to continuously work together with the international community and jointly safeguard stability in international financial markets.
International Finance Market includes all the international business and economic activities which are related to the monetary transaction.
Faced with the international financial market inexperienced, operating level is not high, causing heavy losses.
In both the Central Market and the international financial markets, there is no shortage of people who believe that the price will resume its ascent.
The deepening of globalization process has led to an increase in foreign exchange transactions in international financial markets.
Under the circumstance of finance internationalization, questions on system risks in international finance market stick out increasingly.
International financial market integration generate enormous benefits to all of its participants and bring severe risks at the same time.
Floating the dollar on international markets resulted in the abandonment of the Bretton Woods system and contributed to exchange rate instability.
Indeed, international financial market is portraying China's perceived recovery at the harbinger for global recovery.
In the second quarter, international financial markets may calm down, after fully pricing in a US recession.
It is the most important communications network for international financial market transactions, a Belgian not-for-profit cooperative.
The impact of the U. S. sub-prime mortgage crisis is expanding, the value of the dollar is continuing to fall, and there is greater risk in international financial markets.
Gold market, the place for gold trading, plays an important role in the international financial market.
Releasing “a few billion” pounds would be likelier to ruin Britain’s hard-won credibility with global financial markets, he argued, than to provide a meaningful fillip for the economy.
During summer, in particular, the debt crises in the United States and Europe erupted in short order, sending the international financial market into a wild convulsion.
It is urgent to establish the railroad organization of investment and financing and solve the legal body entering the domestic, international financial market.
And given increases in investor risk aversion, prudent debt management is also important for a country's reputation in international financial markets.
Loans by foreign Banks in China usually are not bound by their source and they may get sufficient funds from international financial markets.
China's position has played a positive role in upholding the stability of the international financial markets and in boosting the confidence of European countries and European investors.
China will take a responsible attitude and continue to work with the international community to step up cooperation and strive to safeguard stability in international financial markets.
And the strengthening of central Banks, international financial organizations to communicate and work together to resist financial risks and safeguarding the international financial market stability.
International financial markets have continued to improve, strengthening the balance sheets of financial institutions and other market participants.
The foreign exchange market (Foreign Exchange Market) is a foreign exchange trading market place, it is an important financial market components.
Along with the WTO joined, the money market in our country merges into the international money market day by day. The competition between Banks is more intense.
Along with the WTO joined, the money market in our country merges into the international money market day by day. The competition between Banks is more intense.