• 最新研制负重系列达到国际领先水平

    The newly developed jelly iron has reached international advanced standards.


  • 方面丹麦研究生产水平国际领先水平

    On this, the level of production and research of Denmark is the first in the world.


  • 人参研究开发利用方面居于国际领先水平

    Ginseng in the research, development and utilization of living in the leading international level.


  • 标志我国微创心脏外科领域尖端技术达到国际领先水平

    The success of the surgical operation indicates that China has reached the world's advanced level in the frontier of minimally invasive cardiac surgical operation.


  • 各项技术达到国际领先水平承接各种非标准密封件开发生产

    The technology to achieve the international leading level, and undertake various non-standard seal of the development and the production.


  • 公司国内水母技术领域内龙头老大,部分技术处于国际领先水平

    Our company is the leading enterprise of domestic market in the field of jellyfish cultivation technology and some of them are in the lead internationally.


  • 射流喷头属于中国独创,隙控式射流元件结构方面达到国际领先水平

    Complete fluidic sprinkler is a new type sprinkler which was originated in China. The production achieves international lead in crack controlled and jet-flow element construction.


  • 有着20冷藏冷冻技术经验具有国际领先水平制冷设备生产企业

    Has 20 years, refrigerating, refrigeration technology experience, with international leading level of refrigeration equipment production enterprise.


  • 目前公司产品HOWO冷却风扇III标准处于国际领先水平

    The company's new product HOWO cooling fans for Euro III standards have been, at the international advanced level.


  • 我国泥沙研究取得巨大成就少数几个保持国际领先水平的学科之一。

    It is well known that sediment research in China has got a great achievements since the past fifty years.


  • 公司引进具有国际领先水平给、排水管材管件电工套管生产检测设备技术

    The company has introduced international advanced level of the drainage pipe casing pipe fittings and electrical production, testing equipment and technology.


  • 攻克直线电机推力关键技术研制成功具有国际领先水平直线电机抽油机。

    Surmounting technical difficulty of great thrust linear motor, we have succeeded in developing linear motor pumping units on the international leading level.


  • 公司专利产品双轴锤片粉碎机技术以及产品性能指标上达到国际领先水平

    Company's patented product "biaxial hammer mill" in technology and product performance indicators have reached the internationally advanced level.


  • 瑞丰开关五金注重科学管理积极探索引进先进设备使品质、管理趋向国际领先水平

    Ruifeng switch hardware, pay attention to scientific management, actively explore and the introduction of advanced equipment, the quality, the management oriented international leading level;


  • 格瑞斯设备引进国际领先水平德国HOMAG开榫生产线德国BURKCE贴线。

    Grace device to introduce the international advanced level of German production line HOMAG mortising and Germany BURKCE paste line pressure.


  • 本文介绍了广州水运工程设计研究院研制的居于国际领先水平最新成果——适航水深测量系统

    Guangzhou Design Research Institute for water Transport Engineering, Guangzhou has developed the newest survey system for navigable water depth, which is in the lead in the world in the same field.


  • 利慧无菌包装设备无菌性能自动化程度生产能力、设备稳定性全部指标均达到国际领先水平

    The quality of Leiwest's machines including aseptic performance, production capacity, stability, automation and so on has reached the international leading level.


  • 植物油磷脂酶法脱胶,提供了一种经济节约、高效稳定绿色环保的具有国际领先水平油脂脱胶方法

    Vegetable oil enzymatic degumming by phospholipase is an international leading process of oil degumming, which is economical, highly effective, stable, gentle and environment-friendly.


  • 铝合金结构的连接用于空调器室内机室外机的配管管系统成本质量均达到国际领先水平

    It is the whole Aluminum alloy connection tube which connected the house machine and main machine, use this tube system, we can get the lowest cost and the best quality in the world.


  • 凭借多年专业产品设计经验我司宠物产品外观结构品质以及包装制作方面达到国际领先水平拥有诸多专利。

    With many years experience in product design major, our pet products have reached international advanced level and owned unique patents in appearance, structure, quality and packaging.


  • 其中“高品味精纺呢绒” 、 “马海毛花呢服装誉为具有义大利风格的高档精纺呢绒和服装,具有国际领先水平

    Of the prize winners, " top grade fine - spinning woolen fabric ", " mohair tweed ", and garments were regarded as internationally leading products in italian style.


  • 我国图书馆管理学部分专著评述基础上得出我国图书馆管理学处于国际领先水平,并在管理学领域占有显著位置的结论;

    On the basis of reviewing some Chinese books of library management, the author holds that library management in China has reached to the international level.


  • 此法不仅妥善解决了高性能ZA-1Q球形合成催化剂连续成球问题,而且国际领先水平的最新型氨合成催化剂的混合料配方所采用

    This method not only solves the continuous globing of high effective ZA-1Q globular catalyst of synthetic ammonia, but also is adopted by international advanced mix catalyst of synthetic ammonia.


  • 毫无疑问我们研究工作已经取得很大的进步我们认为,这项研究实际上在国际处于领先水平

    It goes without saying that great progress has been made in our research, and we also think, the research has been in the leading position in the world.


  • 我们产品质量始终处于国内领先水平,产品质量达到国际标准

    Our product quality has always been at the leading domestic level, product quality to meet international standards.


  • 公司生产产品质量始终处于国内领先水平,产品质量达到国际标准

    The company's product quality has always been a leading domestic level, quality of products meet international standards.


  • 可以达到国际质量领先水平,并且质优价廉。这才是红叶模具硅橡胶厂,给信任最佳理念。

    To reach the internationally leading quality standard with competitive price is our best ambition that merits your trust.


  • 国际市场销量处于同行业的领先水平国内外客户持续提供最优质产品服务

    Our sales volume is on the top in the same profession of international sales market , we are continuous afford our top product and service to cusstomer.


  • 无论产品功能、通关效果,还是在产生社会效益经济效益等方面,招商国际信息国内同行业都处于领先水平

    It leads the domestic industry in the fields of not only product specification and facilitation on cargo clearance process but also achievement of good social and economic benefits.


  • 无论产品功能、通关效果,还是在产生社会效益经济效益等方面,招商国际信息国内同行业都处于领先水平

    It leads the domestic industry in the fields of not only product specification and facilitation on cargo clearance process but also achievement of good social and economic benefits.


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