• 白光再现消色像,图像分辨率,视场范围

    A high resolution and a wide visual field of the chromatic image is reconstructed with a white -light source.


  • 实验结果这种分辨算法显著提高图像分辨率

    The results of experiments show that the higher resolution may be obtained by super resolution algorithm.


  • 提出合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像分辨率统计判别准则。

    A novel statistical decision criterion for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image resolution is presented here.


  • 试验测试成像结果表明系统采集速度图像分辨率

    The experimental test and the result of tomography show that the system features fast speed acquisition and high resolution of images.


  • 这种方法用于SAR图像峰值特征提取提高图像分辨率

    The better resolution is achieved by the method while the method is applied to SAR image peak feature extraction.


  • 数字共焦显微技术通过三维图像复原方法可以提高图像分辨率

    Digital confocal microscopy can improve the image resolution through a three-dimensional image restoration method.


  • 随着卫星图像分辨率不断提高需要更优秀的高性能的图像压缩算法

    With the increase of resolution of satellite image, higher performance image compression algorithms are in demand.


  • 针对毫米波辐射图像分辨率问题提出了一种新的分辨率增强方法

    Aimed at the problem of low resolution of millimeter wave radiometric image, a new resolution enhancement method is proposed.


  • 图像分辨率高,医生更好地聚焦大脑微小部位,研究它们各自功能

    The better the atlas resolution, the better doctors can target ever-smaller parts of the brain and their individual function.


  • 通常mip映射使用其中显示图像大小将决定用于绘制图像分辨率

    This is commonly used by MIP mapping where the displayed image size determines the resolution of the image used for drawing.


  • 正则方法提高SAR图像分辨率有效方法,传统迭代算法计算速度较慢。

    Regularization method is effective to improve the resolution of SAR image, but the traditional iterative method for resolving the regularization model runs slow.


  • 由于光学遥感成像距离较远CCD物理尺寸限制,获得的图像分辨率比较

    Due to the far imaging distance of optical remote sensing and the limitation of the physical size of CCD, the resolution of the remote sensing image is usually low.


  • 除了更多各类遥感得以使用外,卫星图像分辨率覆盖能力很大改进

    Besides more different kinds of remote sensors being used, the revolution of image and the capacity of coverage of the satellite have also been much improved.


  • 尽管目前收集到信息来看这个物体似乎,可是声纳图像分辨率不足以说明确实是圆的。

    while it looks round from the information so far, the resolution of the sonar image was not high enough to verify that it is indeed round.


  • 工业CT检测扫描数据重建图像分辨率要求并且要求重建算法很高重建速度

    The Industrial Computed Tomography(ICT) inspection need deal with large processing data and requests high resolution of reconstruction image, thus demanding high-speed of reconstruction algorithm.


  • 对话出现选择一个6.5半径这个数字可能取决于图像分辨率的不同而变化

    When the dialogue box appears, choose a radius of about 6.5. This number may need to change depending on the resolution of your image.


  • 针对无源毫米波成像图像分辨率问题提出一种改进最大(MAP)超分辨算法

    To solve the problem of poor resolution in passive millimeter wave (PMMW) imaging, we present an improved maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm.


  • 图像分辨率很高,过程快速扫描灵活解决当今归档两个难题技术废气媒介恶化

    With higher resolution, faster throughput and unmatched flexibility, the MP 6000 is the real solution to the two biggest challenges in archiving - technological obsolescence and media deterioration.


  • 这些方法图像背景复杂图像分辨率以及字幕字体大小颜色多变这些条件下,适应性差。

    The approaches are not adaptive, in condition of complex background, low resolution, varied font, size, color of text in video.


  • 技术创、无辐射、图像分辨率高等优势,已经成为活体研究人脑高级皮层功能活动重要手段。

    The fMRI technique, with its non-invasive and higher resolution characteristics, has been widely applied in the detection of the brain functions.


  • 实验证明考虑运动模糊改进POCS超分辨率重建算法能够有效克服振荡效应提高图像分辨率

    Experimental results prove that the improved POCS algorithm considering the motion blurs can effectually reduce the oscillation effect and advance the image spatial resolution.


  • 计算机图像分辨率色彩真实容易复制,具有病历查询、彩照打印、数据库管理、通讯会诊等用途。

    The computer digital image has the characteristics of high resolution, true color, and easily to be copyed.


  • 结合光学图像SAR图像不同数据先验信息,分别构造各自目标函数,实现图像分辨率增强。

    The examples for both optical and SAR images are presented, in which the object function are based on the sparse prior in different data domain respectively.


  • 为了提高分布式sar图像分辨率,本文提出基于图像质量测度函数分布式SAR分辨率自动合成算法

    To enhance the image resolution of the constellation SAR system, we propose an auto-combination algorithm which is based on the image quality estimation functions.


  • 最近技术蓬勃发展以下通过磁场从而影响PET图像分辨率衰减校正领域改变正电子运动技术障碍

    The technology recently blossomed following passing a technical hurdle of altered positron movement in strong magnetic field thus affecting the resolution of PET images and attenuation correction.


  • 仿真研究表明FNOSER算法可以实现静态电阻抗成像且具有图像分辨率定位精确、成像速度快特点

    The study results show that the FNOSER algorithm can obtain static image with a character of high space resolution, accurate orientation, fast imaging, and so on.


  • 为了在不增加测量点数情况下提高近场声全息图像的空间分辨率提出一种基于正交球面插值的近场声全息图像分辨率增强方法

    A new method based on interpolation using orthogonal spherical wave source was proposed to enhance the resolution of the nearfield acoustic holography image without adding measurement points.


  • 为了使系统获得更高图像分辨率通过电磁场有限元仿真软件COMSOL分析,构建ERT/ECT双模态敏感阵列电极模型

    In order to improve the image resolution of the system, a 3D model of ERT/ ECT dual-modality sensing electrode array was established by using the software COMSOL.


  • 分辨率技术是一种利用同一场景相对位移的帧低分辨率图像之间的混信息重建原始图像分辨率更高超级分辨率图像的技术。

    It uses the aliased information of multiple LR images with a different motion of the same scene to reconstruct the "super" resolution image which has even higher resolution than the original one.


  • 如果将所有的33百万像素超高画质的(即总所周知的“超高清”)版本塞进一个22英寸的显示屏幕之中,图像分辨率达到令人感叹的400像素每英寸。

    If all 33m pixels that the Super Hi-Vision format (known as Ultra HD elsewhere) offers were crammed onto a 22-inch screen, the picture resolution would be an astonishing 400ppi.


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