Chapter2: Land requisition and compensation system evolution.
The cause of formation being that our country rural area land collects back-off system analyses sixth parts.
Land expropriation is the outcome of proprietorship socialization, and the limitation to land proprietorship.
Land expropriation is the outcome of proprietorship socialization and the limitation to land proprietorship.
Thirdly, the lawful characteristics of land expropriation bas been concluded according our country's law .
Land acquisition, it is bound to become the new construction sites, and expand the size of the cities of the main ways.
Therefore, land expropriation compensation system remains a huge problem, and needs more in-depth research.
Describe no longer about that rural area land collects back-off fundamental content abroad because of space cause.
He and other legal experts advocate new laws over land expropriations and planning to prevent abuses.
This part of main elaboration land collection procedure concept, introduction land collection general way and step.
As the nature of different types of tort liability of land expropriation is different, the ways of liability are correspondingly different.
During the process of urbanization, farmers interest is seriously damaged by the present land collection system.
Among which, the cause analysis of Changsha City's land acquisition compensation and the countermeasures are the emphasis of this paper.
In the process of land collection, the farmers rights should be protected fully and the principle of balance should also be taken into account.
But while it has been designed to protect against land seizures, some fear it will legitimise the illegal land grabs that have already taken place.
The rationality of purpose is the essential condition of land collection, Only the direct public benefits has the real rationality of purpose.
Paper combines the use of land resources management experience, you can see, our very imperfect land expropriation system.
Firstly, by outlining the concept of the foreign land expropriation and the domestic scholars' opinion about the land expropriation, the concept of land expropriation has been defined.
The key problem of the land expropriation is the compensation standard. It plays an important role in land expropriation.
Therefore, land expropriation system in our country must be improved by learning from foreign countries so that peasants' rights and interests can be more effectively protected.
Tort liability of mand expropriation is the liability admitted by the person with expropriation right who illegally USES the right and encroaches on other's rights and interests of land.
Power of land expropriation itself shall be limited while it impose limitation to land proprietorship, which will otherwise bring on power abuse.
Social problems arising from land expropriation become more serious in our country these years, protecting the right of farmers whose farmland was expropriated also become the focus.
The design of land expropriation system directly affects its implementation, and the effect of the system implementation directly affects the benefits of land owners.
The design of land expropriation system directly affects its implementation, and the effect of the system implementation directly affects the benefits of land owners.