During the process of urbanization, farmers interest is seriously damaged by the present land collection system.
Paper combines the use of land resources management experience, you can see, our very imperfect land expropriation system.
Therefore, land expropriation system in our country must be improved by learning from foreign countries so that peasants' rights and interests can be more effectively protected.
The design of land expropriation system directly affects its implementation, and the effect of the system implementation directly affects the benefits of land owners.
Most countries and districts all over the world have established the land-expropriation system, which is mainly based on the public interest and the rule of compensation.
In some land expropriation unit using loopholes in the current system of land use and land ignorance of farmers, the use of land in the executive dominance from reaping huge profits.
Therefore, land expropriation compensation system remains a huge problem, and needs more in-depth research.
The cause of formation being that our country rural area land collects back-off system analyses sixth parts.
The land collection is refers to the country based on the public interest need, but compulsory transfers collective all lands according to the legal proceedings the state-owned one system.
Chapter2: Land requisition and compensation system evolution.
The third part introduces the relevant concepts and system evolution about land expropriation, and defines division of earning in it.
Land expropriation is a system that the state can deprive land property rights of any personal and collective and compensate them properly by law for the state's public benefits.
Land expropriation is a system that the state can deprive land property rights of any personal and collective and compensate them properly by law for the state's public benefits.