• 人们开始越来越多地使用脱水后动物粪便作为替代燃料同样会损害土壤因为这些珍贵的土壤改良植物养分来源无法回归土壤之中。

    The increasing use of dried animal waste as a substitute fuel has also hurt the soil because this valuable soil conditioner and source of plant nutrients is no longer being returned to the land.


  • 优良植物栽培介质土壤改良产品

    Is an excellent medium for plant cultivation and soil improvement.


  • 采用灌轮灌良好的土壤改良管理措施回归开发利用

    Adopting appropriate irrigation system and soil management practices, the return water with low degree of mineralization can be reused.


  • 未经煅烧脱硫石膏的应用领域主要有:水泥农业土壤改良

    The fields of application of uncalcined FGD-gypsum were cement, agricultural soil amendment, etc.


  • 腐殖质灰分草本泥炭主要用作各种堆肥土壤改良

    The herbaceous peat of humus and high—ashes is mainly used for all kinds of composts, humic fertilizer and Krilium.


  • 直立一年生两年生植物广泛栽培尤其用于干草土壤改良

    Erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement.


  • 考虑添加覆盖其他商业土壤改良援助种植花草树木,保水性

    Consider adding mulch or another commercial soil amendment that aid water retention for plants and trees.


  • 土壤改良施肥料可使这些土壤逐步转变成具有农业生产力土壤

    Soil amelioration and ample supply of nutrients in the form of fertilizers is needed to convert poor soils into productive agricultural land.


  • 由此可知,玉米秸秆可以替代草炭作为越橘栽培土壤改良有机物料

    It concluded that maize straw could be used as an organic materials for blueberry soil amendment instead of peat.


  • 根据覆理化性质矿区实际情况,提出了复垦土地土壤改良方法

    The method of discharging of waste soil and rock and of the soil improvement of the reclamation land at discharged area out of the...


  • 分析盐碱地树木危害阐述通过物理水利化学土壤改良措施

    The paper analyzes the harmfulness of saline - alkali soil to trees and woods, and simply elaborates the measures for soil improvement concerning physical, hydrological and chemical aspects.


  • 发明公开了一种营养型盐碱地土壤改良方法涉及盐碱地治理领域

    The invention discloses a method for improving nutritive saline-alkali land soil, and relates to the field of saline-alkali treatment.


  • 发明涉及一种土壤改良方法具体种钝化修复土壤污染的方法。

    The invention relates to a method for improving soil, in particular to a method for restoring cadmium pollution of soil in a passivation mode.


  • 决明属牧草既是重要饲料作物,又土壤改良水土保持多方面发挥着积极作用

    As important forage crops, legumes of the genus Chamaecrista play an important role on soil improvement, water and soil conservation, etc.


  • 大量调查田间试验基础,提出适用于当地的育化沼泽化土壤改良利用途径

    The proper ways of amelioration and utilization of gleying and swamping soils were presented on the basis of a large number of field investigations and experiments.


  • 无机土壤改良虽然基本上满足植物生长条件,但对赤泥的土壤改良效果不理想。

    The gypsum plays an important role in the amelioration. Even though the basic condition for plant growth is satisfied


  • 无机土壤改良虽然基本上满足了植物生长条件,但对赤泥的土壤改良效果不理想

    The gypsum plays an important role in the amelioration. Even though the basic condition for plant growth I...


  • 新建苗圃原有苗圃符合上述要求的,逐步平整和进行土壤改良改变苗圃生产条件

    New nursery and the original nursery does not meet the above requirements, should be gradually formed and the soil improvement, change the nursery production conditions.


  • 农药缓释剂生产缓释肥料土壤改良等,为工业木素的应用开辟了新的途径。

    In agricultural production, alkali lignin can be used as pesticide slow release agent to produce slow release fertilizer and soil amendment.


  • 农药缓释剂生产缓释肥料土壤改良剂等工业木素的应用开辟了新的途径

    In agricultural production, alkali lignin can be used as pesticide slow release agent to produce slow release fertilizer and soil amendment. This provides a new way to utilize industrial lignin.


  • 废旧泡沫磺化制备聚苯乙烯磺酸及其,目标产品可以用来作为处理剂土壤改良

    Polystyrene sulfonic acid and its sodium salt were prepared with old froth as water treatment medicinal preparation and the soil modifier.


  • 生物技术提供了这种可能性:减少有毒农药用量,还可以提高肥料其他土壤改良效率

    Biotechnology also offers the possibility of reducing the use of toxic agricultural pesticides, and may also improve the efficiency of fertilizer and other soil amendments.


  • 由于是搞农业,所以知道硫酸钙一种石膏肥料,加州我们普遍用作土壤改良

    Well, being in the agriculture business calcium sulfate I know is gypsum, and we use it as a soil amendment in California quite extensively.


  • 研究评价结果本区农业生产合理区划种植土壤改良科学施肥等提供重要地球化学依据。

    The researching results can provide the important geochemical evidence for rational agricultural programming, planting, soil improvement and scientific fertilization.


  • 通过合理选择不同对照地,从土壤理化性质、被污染程度比较,为尾矿库复垦土壤改良提供依据

    The soil in copper-ore-tailings reservoir was compared with that in reference lands to find out the differences between them in physical and chemical natures and in heavy metals pollution.


  • 海洋倾废生效后,公司等待着城市“生物固体”转换成为有效土壤改良天然肥料”。

    By the time the Ocean Dumping Act took effect, there were companies waiting to convert municipal "bio-solids" into an "effective soil conditioner and natural fertilizer".


  • 通过大田玉米试验验证新型土壤改良玉米生育期土壤水分实度及玉米生理生长特性影响

    The article is validate the influence on moisture characteristic, soil compactness, biological and vegetal characteristic of summer maize by new soil amendment use field experimentation of corn.


  • 基础上该区土壤提出开发利用建议,普通干旱正常盐成首先进行土壤改良可利用。

    On the basis of this, we put forward the suggestion of soil development and using. Typci Hapli-Aridic Cambosols first should do soil improvement and improve soil fertility before using.


  • 基础上该区土壤提出开发利用建议,普通干旱正常盐成首先进行土壤改良可利用。

    On the basis of this, we put forward the suggestion of soil development and using. Typci Hapli-Aridic Cambosols first should do soil improvement and improve soil fertility before using.


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