She had been given a horse as a present on the day of her first communion.
This congregation invites all of its members, who have been prepared to receive the Sacrament, to participate regularly in Holy Communion.
In distinction from the Lord's Supper, Baptism is the sign and seal of initiation into the covenant of grace.
Like many of you, my heart is always deeply touched when I partake of the bread and the cup.
There would be very few readings that would be more appropriate to consider before sharing the bread and wine than an account of the events that took place in the upper room.
Known for her piety, she would walk miles to attend communion services in the neighbouring villages.
On the following Sunday there was Communion. Karen looked first at the black shoes, then at the red ones - looked at the red ones again, and put them on.
The measures follow ones being introduced in other countries, including in Portugal where church goers are to take communion by having the host placed in their hands, not their mouth.
The first is the dismissal of catechumens before the Eucharist, and the second is the dismissal of the congregation at the end of the service.
The congregation arrived with coffee and cookies and cups and gifts.
This would put the Passover meal — and the Last Supper — on the Wednesday, explaining how such a large number of events took place between the meal and the crucifixion.
We come to break bread and give thanks and seek guidance, but also to rededicate ourselves to the mission of love and service that lies at the heart of all humanity.
It may, in fact, be a 17th-century amalgamation of architectural influences, rather than the original structure, but the chandeliers and marble altar are still worth a peek.
You saw her only at Midnight Mass, because she liked nighttime, as well as celebrations, and as much as you liked her you couldn't help disapproving a little.
Yes, she added, she knew how to ride a little; she had been given a horse as a present on the day of her first communion.
He's also writing in a time when some of the Eucharistic practices may also be not like they were later.
These agapes probably refer to the taking of the Communion, The Lord's Supper,but in the context of a bigger meal as we've seen was the case also in Corinth.
These agapes probably refer to the taking of the Communion, The Lord's Supper,but in the context of a bigger meal as we've seen was the case also in Corinth.