• 他们房子后面草地上露宿6个月

    For six months they camped out in a meadow at the back of the house.


  • 那些色彩一张圆盘上旋转反射后面墙上

    The colours rotated around on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.


  • 不过,走鲸脊椎结构显示即使没有尾,它们水中同样能够现代鲸鱼那样通过身体后面部分上下摆动来游动

    The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing.


  • 最后消失山峰后面

    It rose higher and higher into the azure, till it disappeared at last behind the mountain-peak.


  • 奥斯卡认真地了嗅,然后起身走来,轻轻地耳朵后面

    Oscar sniffed it intently, then stood up to move toward me, allowing me to gently scratch him behind the ears.


  • 通常情况下这些通风器放置头盔后面这样不会面对爆炸正面冲击。

    Normally these ventilators would be placed behind the helmet so it wouldn't face the brunt of the blast.


  • 寡妇家后面树林里碰到了,他们就偷偷溜走了。

    Happened on them in the woods back of the widow's one day, and they slunk away.


  • 大礼堂后面很远地方,架摄像机扫描疯狂的与会者

    Far in back of the huge auditorium, a camera scans the frantic attendees.


  • 厌倦队伍后面等着登上诺亚方舟只跳蚤动物跳到另一只动物,渐渐靠近前面

    Tired of waiting in the back of the line to get on Noah's Ark, a flea jumps from one animal to another as she moves closer to the front.


  • ,她只是他们的临时监护人电影摄像机迅速捕捉、石头后面聚光灯下摆姿势一个人罢了。

    She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones.


  • 然而第二旋转时发现了自己没有注意到帘子,帘子前面后面有一扇小门

    However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.


  • 乐师游行队伍前面后面演奏。

    Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession.


  • 路上几个孩子我们后面

    On the way the kids straggled behind us.


  • 我们惟一伴侣只漂泊信天翁轻快优雅地滑翔游艇后面

    Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.


  • 我们儿童保育竞赛中正后面

    We are lagging behind in the childcare stakes.


  • 我们商店衣服孩子们无精打采地跟后面

    The kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes.


  • 他们排成作战队形步兵中央骑兵两翼炮兵后面他们头顶上方开火

    They formed up in battle line, infantry in the center, cavalry on the wings, artillery to the rear firing over their heads.


  • 瑞士如果只是早于红绿灯行动,你后面司机可能记下号码然后警察报案。

    In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police.


  • 一个女孩柱子后面喷泉台子上那个,似乎退缩畏缩

    One girl hides behind a pillar; another, the one sitting atop the fountain, seems to flinch and cower.


  • 第二实验中,Baker告诉实验对象他们实验室不时地后面着看。

    For the second experiment, Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind in a laboratory setting.


  • Cucin Tech一家紧跟潮流的公司,所有做的事情,于是很快就被甩后面

    Cucin Tech was a company who was very much following the pack, doing what everyone else was doing and getting rapidly left behind.


  • 过了好一会儿,其中大公驴用蹄子刨另一回头望向似乎检查后面是否会突然袭击

    Several moments went by, one of the big Jacks pawed at the ground with his hooves and another looked behind him, as if to check the rear for a surprise attack.


  • 为此牧师使用了长长的茅草风筝空中飞时,这些就会风筝后面飘动

    For this the priests used long grasses, and thesewhen the kite was in the airwould stream along behind it.


  • 我们甚至还购买啤酒船停靠岸边卡车后面买了埃及斯特拉啤酒。

    We even made a beer run, pulling to shore to buy a few bottles of Egyptian Stella from the back of a truck.


  • 如果发现自己沙漠里,灌木后面几乎不可能的。

    If you find yourself in the desert, squatting behind a tree or shrub is hardly an option.


  • 狩猎包括带着受过特殊训练乡间追逐只狐狸后面跟着骑着男女

    Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses.


  • 他们沉迷坚持条车道上行驶——即使意味着要跟一辆卡车后面好几英里

    They demonstrate this in their addiction to driving in one lane and sticking to it—even if it means settling behind some great truck for many miles.


  • 瀑布的后面,你会发现一个山洞,这是孙悟空的家乡。

    In the back of the waterfall, you will find a cave, which is the home of the Monkey King.


  • 为了保证能得到一个温暖迎接把育儿袋嘴上,然后面天空太阳方向。

    To ensure the eggs receive a warm welcome she carries the egg pouch in her mouth presenting it to the sky following the sun.


  • 一个人的名字后面加上“狗”字意味着你和他(她)的关系比其他人更亲密。

    Adding "dog" to a person's name means that you have a closer relationship with him or her than others.


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