• 美国市中心办公室空闲一季度年前的9.9%增加12.5%。

    Office vacancies in America's city centres increased to 12.5% in the first quarter, up from 9.9% a year earlier.


  • 一季度备受喜爱人物都将全部回归发挥此外增加了一些新的人物。

    In the first quarter of the much loved characters will all return to play, in addition also adds some new characters.


  • 去年个月相比日本GDP一季度缩水了4%,相当于下降了15.2%。

    Japan's GDP shrank by 4% in the first quarter compared with the last three months of 2008, equivalent to a fall of 15.2% on an annualised basis.


  • 印度房产市场看上去的确出现泡沫一季度,它房市价格比高出17%。

    The property market in India looks positively frothy: prices there were, at the end of the first quarter, about 17% higher than a year before.


  • 法国深受出口走弱之一季度增长0.5%,法国二季度出口增势完全停滞。

    France too, suffered from weakness in exports, which stagnated in the quarter, after rising 0.5% in the previous three months.


  • 由于成本上升预期,各大钢厂主要选择一季度尽可能释放产能保证利润最大化

    Due to the rising cost of expectations, steel main selection in quarter as far as possible, to ensure the production release of profit maximization.


  • 例如梅摩指数多个分项指数来看,战后作品19世纪作品一季度价格涨幅分别为19%、17%。

    For example, prices of post-war and old-master works increased by 19% and 17%, respectively, during the first quarter, according to various smaller Mei Moses indexes.


  • 就是说尽管大多数机构一季度很少感到完全感不到就业量改变岗位流动主要反映了就业量机构层级的总体变化

    That is, although most establishments experience little or no employment change within a quarter, job flows mainly reflect lumpy employment changes at the establishment level


  • 即使今天债券拍卖令人振奋,但葡萄牙西班牙申请紧急救援风险依然很高这两个国家一季度余下时间里将拍卖大量的债券。

    Even though today's auction is encouraging, the risk of a bailout for Portugal and Spain is still strong, and both nations have a hefty debt schedule for the rest of the quarter.


  • 交通银行(HK: 3328)股价上涨了2.9%,一季度季度组合收入上涨1%,而利息收入下降了11%,14580亿美元

    Bank of Communications (HK: 3328) shares gained 2.9% on the back of a 1% growth in the January-March period net profit, although its net interest income declined 11% to 14.58 billion yuan.


  • 互联网商业开放20多年人口普查局告诉我们2016年一季度实体店销售零售额92.3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce, the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.


  • 中国经济一季度可能已经见今后几个季度经济增速会加快。

    The Chinese economy probably bottomed in the first quarter and growth should strengthen over the next few quarters.


  • 一季度金融部门借款增长率降低5.1%,大约是2002年到2007年之间平均水平一半

    In the first quarter, financial-sector borrowing slowed to a 5.1% growth rate, about half of the average from 2002 to 2007.


  • 时候通过降低需求收紧借款标准信用贷款之最高额度一季度了30%。

    That's due both to lower demand and tighter lending standards: unused lines of credit fell by a dramatic 30% in the first quarter.


  • 它最大的零售部门一季度遭到亏损,主要原因是抵押贷款坏账冲销法务成本的增加。

    The bank's giant retail division made a loss in the first quarter, thanks to mortgage write-offs and legal costs.


  • 让人震惊的是2009年一季度,丰田亏损甚至当时已经倒闭边缘通用还高。

    Astonishingly, in the first three months of 2009 it made an even bigger loss than GM, which was then on the verge of bankruptcy.


  • 印度经济一季度牛气冲天,去年同期相比增幅达5.8%,韩国工业产量四月份保持继续增长的势头。

    And in the first quarter India's economy grew by a bullish 5.8%, compared with a year before, while South Korea's industrial production continued to rise in April.


  • 广告收入一季度增长26%基础之上,再增加了40%,超过整个因特网广告市场增长速度(约为30%)。

    AD revenue leapt 40%, an acceleration from the first quarter's increase of 26%, and faster than the overall market for Internet advertising, which grew by about 30%.


  • 中国过去有第四季度经济产出超过日本情况,因为一年最后一季度中国经济会出于季节性原因而更加活跃。

    China's output has topped Japan's before, in the last quarter of the year, when the Chinese economy tends to run hotter for seasonal reasons.


  • 美英这两消费依赖型经济美国一季度的消费相关行业贡献超过70%的GDP)将沉重负担

    And that is a heavy burden, since consumption is such an important part of both economies; in America, it made up more than 70% of first-quarter GDP.


  • 按照惯例,随着旅游交通生产等行业石化产品消耗加大第二季度的汽柴油市场需求一季度大幅增长。

    Conventionally market needs for refined oil products will increase in the second quarter as consumption rose on demand for travel, manufacturing and transportation.


  • 第三季度这个芬兰巨人市场份额下降了百分之六之多,一季度出现亏损

    The Finnish giant's share of the phone market decreased by six per cent in the third quarter, and it reported its first quarterly loss.


  • 市场预期POWER 7会2010年发布,但是一季度就发布了,这让许多人感到吃惊。

    The POWER7 reveal was expected in 2010, but the early-first-quarter announcement may have surprised many.


  • 进一步削减运力的必要性今年春天开始显现由于航空公司一季度运力削减幅度赶不上收入下跌的速度。

    The need for the further capacity cuts emerged this spring as traffic dips outpaced the cuts carriers had initiated during the first quarter.


  • 中国经济一季度扩张11.9%,经济学家普遍预计今年下半年增长率放缓9%。

    Economists generally expect China's growth to slow to about 9% in the second half of the year after the first quarter's expansion hit 11.9%.


  • 纽约联邦储备银行称抵押贷款一季度实际增长

    Mortgage borrowing actually rose in the first quarter, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


  • 那时的丹麦经济繁荣,财政紧缩初期就每年4%的比例增长美国一季度仅有1.9%。

    Its economy was stronger, growing at 4% per year when austerity began (compared with 1.9% in the first quarter for America).more important, Denmark had stratospheric interest rates.


  • 那时的丹麦经济繁荣,财政紧缩初期就每年4%的比例增长美国一季度仅有1.9%。

    Its economy was stronger, growing at 4% per year when austerity began (compared with 1.9% in the first quarter for America).more important, Denmark had stratospheric interest rates.


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