• 他们不仅开发这样一种设备而且世纪之交,他们成功地将其嵌入每天数十亿访问全球系统

    Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.


  • 世纪之交收购学习使用L2文献研究

    At the turn of the century acquisition and learning are used interchangeably in the literature of L2 research.


  • 在世纪之交每一分类的成就问题粗略描述。

    The achievements and problems of each subsection viewed at the centuries supersede are sketched briefly.


  • 知道问题我们在世纪之交千年虫让我们担忧

    The problem, you see, is that we are now at the turn of the century. We're worried about the millennium bug.


  • 亨利·马蒂斯在世纪之交艺术世界介绍了想法

    Henri Matisse introduced his new ideas to the art world at the turn of the century.


  • 这些数据表明最热15年中,14年出现世纪之交之后

    The figures mean 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred since the turn of the century.


  • 及时抓住机遇,科学利用机遇,我国在世纪之交面临重大课题

    At the turning of centuries, seizing opportunities in time and making rational use of them is an important problem which our country is face with.


  • 世纪之交很少妇女职业选择业务但是广告为数不多

    At the turn of the century, there were few career choices for women in business; however, advertising was one of the few.


  • 本文结合在世纪之交出现少年写作现象,阐述少年写作走红市场原因

    This paper talks about teenagers writing phenomenon at the turn of centuries and the market cause of teenager writers popularity.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用语言。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world’s population.


  • 影片中罗伯特安吉尔阿尔弗雷德伯顿世纪之交对手舞台魔术师伦敦

    The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden , rival stage magicians in turn of the century London.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用语言。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world's population.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用语言。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the 7 Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world's population.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用言语。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the 7 Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world's population.


  • X1入口处作出了围观者视为在世纪之交出现的大量SUV毒剂看到

    The X1 made its entrance to onlookers and could be seen as the antidote to those massive SUVs seen at the turn of the century.


  • 由于美国处理中东事务采取双重标准偏袒态度,其中东政策在世纪之交陷入困境。

    Because America takes double standards and a partial attitude in dealing with the Middle East affairs, U. s. Middle East policy falls into straits in the turn of centuries.


  • 中国女性艺术世纪之交发展壮大中国当代艺术件幸事也是历史必然

    Chinese women at the turn of the century art in the development and expansion of China's contemporary art a blessing, but also a kind of historical necessity.


  • 随着牛市在世纪之交终结,被关联主义养得又肥又金融企业不得不寻找新的利润来源

    When the boom ran out, shortly after the turn of the century, the finance houses that had grown rich on the back of it set about the search for new profits.


  • 虽然一种单一欧洲货币也许世纪之交出现,但是可以兑换亚洲货币继续成熟起来

    While a single European currency will appear at the turn of the century, the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature.


  • 也许这种关心爱护才是世纪之交我们去回味我们千岛上所拥有的精彩时光关键所

    Perhaps this caring is the key to those wonderful times we had in the Ten Thousand Islands when the century took its turn.


  • 世纪之交能力回报增长放缓则很有可能是由于发生上世纪90年代高校扩招

    The turn of the century saw a slowing down of the reward to both the observed and unobserved skills, due largely to the college expansion program that occurred at the end of the 1990s.


  • 虽然格雷世纪之交音乐舞台上站稳了脚跟,但还有更多抱负包括重温初恋——电影

    Although the turn of the century saw Gray with a firmly established foothold in the music business, she had other ambitions, including a return to her first love, film.


  • 世纪之交许多假设都认为是这样因为已经兑现股票风险溢价过去收益很高未来也是如此

    At the turn of the century many assumed that, because the achieved ERP had been high in the past, it would be so in the future.


  • 维尔公园设计竞赛多伦多市在世纪之交举办的一次国际性的设计竞赛,曾引起广泛的国际关注。

    The Design Competition of Downsview Park is an international design competition between 1999 and 2000 in Toronto.


  • 世纪之交东南亚国家经济出现了急剧波动。2001年,各国家经济又急转直下甚至出现负增长

    At the turn of the century, Southeast Asian economies fluctuated dramatically, which have slowed down sharply and even shown a negative growth in 2001.


  • 世纪之交东南亚国家经济出现了急剧波动。2001年,各国家经济又急转直下甚至出现负增长

    At the turn of the century, Southeast Asian economies fluctuated dramatically, which have slowed down sharply and even shown a negative growth in 2001.


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