• 拯救该国在于强制推行民主改革

    The country's salvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms.


  • 危险在于一切都来得容易

    The danger is that things get too cosy.


  • 种族主义在于社会阶层

    Racism exists at all levels of society.


  • 格里菲思专长在于撰写法律案情摘要

    Griffith's expertise is in writing legal briefs.


  • 问题在于决定何时介入

    The problem lies in deciding when to intervene.


  • 达尔文部分吸引力在于她与亚洲比邻

    Part of the attraction is Darwin's proximity to Asia.


  • 问题在于如何权力分散造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.


  • 谢弗天赋在于想法在戏剧上表现出来

    Shaffer's great gift lies in his ability to animate ideas theatrically.


  • 这个游戏魅力在于要努力对手什么

    The fascination of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.


  • 超级女人在于记者好莱坞制片人脑子里

    Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers.


  • 问题在于工作是为了顿饭而且住条件非常一般

    The catch is that you work for your supper, and the food and accommodations can be very basic.


  • 机器秘密在于其一体式碳纤维外壳的流线型设计。

    The secret of the machine lies in the aerodynamic shape of the one-piece, carbon-fibre frame.


  • 幸福在于拥有多少财产

    Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.


  • 问题祸根在于他童年的经历

    His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences.


  • 分歧缘起在于专门用语使用不同

    The disagreement arose over a different use of terminology.


  • 这些活动目的在于增强腹部肌肉

    The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.


  • 拖延这么久大部分责任在于生产商

    Much of the blame for the long delay could be laid at the door of the manufacturer.


  • 演讲目的在于回应对手的公开指责

    The speech was intended to answer the charges levelled against him by his opponents.


  • 这项技术成功之解决重复运动引起问题。

    This technique is particularly successful where problems occur as the result of repetitive movements.


  • 摄影吸引力部分在于它那些小装置机械玩意儿

    Part of the attraction of photography is gadgets and mechanical doodads.


  • 美国人来说,最大的挑战在于理解东欧思维方式

    The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans.


  • 锻炼矛盾之处在于消耗很多能量似乎产生更多能量。

    The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more.


  • 医生们十年目标在于使宫颈癌妇女人数减少一半

    Doctors aim to cut the number of women dying from cervical cancer by half this decade.


  • 召集各派于明天会谈,目的在于组建民族和解政府

    He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.


  • 显然这份声明用意在于警告首尔试图阻止委员会行动

    The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.


  • 这些债券对于个人投资者主要吸引力在于它们提供安全感心灵平静

    The main appeal these bonds hold for individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer.


  • 这些年轻一些选手优势在于他们没有背负着来自不太成功时期任何包袱

    The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.


  • 险不仅仅在于吃它们,还在于接触它们。

    The danger is not just in eating them, but also in touching them.


  • 在于玩的过程。

    The pleasure is in the playing.


  • 鲸的惊人之处不仅在于它们巨大的体型,还在于其缓慢的心跳。

    Blue whales are amazing not only because of their huge size, but their slow heartbeat.


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