Many people are afraid of public speaking, for example, showing a link between fear of speech and ineffective communication.
For example, you have to make a presentation for your colleagues at work - even if you hate doing presentations or public speaking.
And it's true too that Sarah Brown's understandable concerns about her confidence as a public speaker are less relevant than how she overcame them.
You can even learn to give false signals. Most public speakers are in fact nervous, but a good speaker learns to hide this by giving off signals of confidence.
Rather than stating, "I hate public speaking" or "I'm bad with computers," say: "What do you do to control your nerves when you speak in public?"
I never cured that flaw, and I kept trying to do a lot, but for the next decade I focused most of my energy, and my public statements, on schools and jobs.
怀特兄弟对科学社会 团体颁发给他们 的奖章看得很淡,并一再拒绝在 公共场合发表讲话。
The Wright brothers paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies and refused to make a public speech again and again.
怀特兄弟对科学社会 团体颁发给他们 的奖章看得很淡,并一再拒绝在 公共场合发表讲话。
The Wright brothers paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies and refused to make a public speech again and again.