It costs even less to retrofit existing facilities to keep their services running at critical times.
It seems that in times of crisis do not panic, calm thinking, be possible to escape.
Because the entire village revolved around the fishing industry, a volunteer rescue team was needed in cases of emergency.
In times of danger flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the white dago ba to summon the imperial troops into battle.
In times of danger flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the white dagoba to summon the imperial troops into battle.
In times of danger, flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the white dagoba to summon the imperial troops into battle.
Times of crisis create opportunities which, if seized upon, will see the Empire re-forged and re-vitalised.
As cadets, you volunteered for service during this time of danger. Some of you fought in Afghanistan.
We acted as a country on the spur of the moment and we were able to do what we have done so far inside 10 days.
One's volition is very important in emergency, some may not persist and survive through hard times but some may.
Along with the Numbers for fire department, ambulance and police, you should also put your own address because it is easy to forget it in a crisis.
It's a good idea to practice the steps of a stall recovery on less challenging terrain first, before having to strut your stuff when it really counts.
One of many implications of this work is that any disruption of astrocytic function will compromise blood flow at critical times during brain activity.
The Hobbits were "a reflection of the English soldier, " made small of stature to emphasize "the amazing and unexpected heroism of ordinary men 'at a pinch.
In our lives, not only the usual need for intelligent minds at critical moments, but also the need for such wisdom, and wisdom can help us out of danger so that the wisdom of time to grow with us.
While there have been multiple occasions where I’ve nearly been killed on holidays, I’ve never had the need to call an emergency number.
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
Their own promptitude in retreating at the critical moment saved them.
And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.
And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.
Going to Real Madrid could have changed my life but there were a lot of things at stake in my career.
Going to Real Madrid could have changed my life but there were a lot of things at stake in my career.